Influencer I
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- Dillon
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I do agree theres lots of risk with a Hi Lift, and yeah actually I have been hit by one, a few times. Neither was serious because I stand to the side of them (also something a lot of people dont consider with lots of things, the lines of fire). As far as performing maintenance under a Hi Lift without any other type of cribbing, yeah thats 100% stupid, but its stupid with ANY kind of jack. The point of ANY jack is to get something to a level where you can support it. Weather that means for maintenance, or to improve the ground so you can drive out. The ONLY reason to be under anything supported by ANY jack is to get a more permanent non shifting support under the object being lifted. Honestly if I were the guy in that picture, I would have rolled a big rock under the axle and lowered the jeep onto that before starting the work.linden, lighten up.
Fact, most government vehicles no longer carry highlift jacks. Fact the reason is due to injury and compensation claims. Everyone I know who has used a farmer jack eventually got hit hard or witnessed it.
I got the Russian Roulette thing from a guy who teaches safety courses.
Fact, guys who have never been hit take huge offence when told highlift jacks are not safe. This thread proves that. Fact, guys who have been hit tend to sit quiet on the side cuz they know eventually everyone witnesses the big hit. Fact, I'm not one of those guys. For anyone considering buying a highlift jack..... I'll give them the facts, not some ego spin.