US Southwest Reoccurring - Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW) Meet Up

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Dallas, Texas
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Uncle Buck's has a meeting area in the back by the kitchen but no meeting rooms. They do have a sports bar area up stairs on the mezzanine but it can get crowded with regular customers up there. I like the idea of meeting in the parking-lot and after an hour or so whoever wants to can go get something to eat. This will let everyone see everyone's rigs or in-progress projects. Like the OB motto says; it does not matter what you drive, just get out there, be safe, and have fun.

I also like the NON-Starbucks idea of coffee meet-ups. Maybe we could start the first annual Texas Coffee Cook-Off and we could each make our best pot and share it with the group, then award the Mud-Cup Trophy to the best cup of Joe at the meeting. As it gets cooler this idea will seem like a better idea than it does right now. Plus we could challenge other Overland groups to Coffee Cook-Offs on an Annual Schedule and get to know others even farther away.

I vote for not-Sunday meetings, just my $0.02.....


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Ok, so it sounds like Sundays are not very popular and I agree. I only settled on Sunday for this first meet up because it was the soonest I could make it and few others were fine with that. The idea of alternating the place and time where we meet up sounds interesting. So, maybe we could alternate between meeting on a Saturday afternoon and a weekday like a Tuesday and then I alternate where we meet up? I'm also open to meeting up bi-weekly vs once a month so we could discuss that as well when we meet up face-to-face.
We are keeping this Sunday though right?


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Yes! We will meet this Sunday for sure and then decided on our next meet up time and place.
Awesome! Do we have a way to see where our local members are located? Would be good info to have at the meetup so we can plan better.


Rank III
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Influencer II

Dallas, TX
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Awesome! Do we have a way to see where our local members are located? Would be good info to have at the meetup so we can plan better.
I was actually sent some documents such as a basic questionnaire to help collect some useful info at the meet up, but we could also just list it here on the thread.

I'm located in Plano, TX


Rank IV
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I was actually sent some documents such as a basic questionnaire to help collect some useful info at the meet up, but we could also just list it here on the thread.

I'm located in Plano, TX
I would post that on here. That way if you can’t make this first meeting you are still accounted for. Need to have location, preferred days/times for meetups.

I’m in Coppell. Any weekday evening except Wednesday works for me. I could do Saturday during the day sometimes.


Rank III
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Influencer II

Dallas, TX
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Yes. To be clear, we will meet this Sunday, Aug 19th at 6pm in the parking lot of Uncle Buck's restaurant at the Bass Pro in Grapevine, TX. My plan was to park at the outer edge of Uncle Buck's parking lot where people typically don't park.


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I’m the nerd that showed up early. I only live 10 minutes from Uncle Bucks and got bored waiting at home. Lol. I’m in the orange Renegade.


Rank III
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Influencer II

Dallas, TX
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Hey guys... I'm happy to say that the turn out was way better than I thought it would. I was prepared for maybe 5 to 8 to show up but it was well past that. I goofed up and failed to take an official count but it was probably around 20. If anyone did an actual count let us know what is was.

For those that missed out, we did an open discussion at the end, before parting ways, and set the time and place for the next meet up as follows:

The next meet up for the Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW) Meet Up group will be 2PM on September 15th at the Hard Eight BBQ joint in Coppell, TX

I hope to see everyone there!
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Rank III
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Influencer II

Dallas, TX
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As I said during the meetup, I'm bad with names so maybe to help me and others with the same affliction, we could do a forum sound-off to help people put faces to names... or rig discussions to names, etc.

So, if you attended the first Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW) Meet Up, please give your name and a brief description of your rig like so:

Kevin Harris / 2007 Army Green Jeep JKU

If you came with other family members such as a wife, husband, or children, you could mention them as well if you think it will help others identify you.


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Wes Potter with my wife Melissa / Orange Jeep Renegade

We had a lot of fun and can’t wait for next time!