So I usually carry two 5 gallon fuel cans at all times. I do this for a couple reasons. 1 - just in case I run out of fuel, that's obvious. 2 - Living in Wyoming, I learned that it was crucial to be perpared. An example would be sliding off the road in the winter. It could be a couple days before help arrives. So having extra fuel will help keep the heat on.
This system works, but is not convenient to deploy. It requires me to climb into the bed, get the cans out of the toolbox, grab a funnel, then transfer fuel(slowly due to EPA style cans).
So after giving this some thought, I decided that a transfer tank would be an improvement.
I found an endless supply of universal tanks. They all took up a lot of bed space. Also they were around $500.
So I have decided to build one myself.
I bought a sheet of 12ga mild steel. This exceeds the minimum wall thickness by about 50%.
Layed out the cut lines and fired up the grinder.
I was going to have a local sheet metal shop make the long bends but they wanted over $300. So I Sliced where th bends needed to be, leaving some material to act as a hinge.