Rank VI

Off-Road Ranger III
I smell a raffle coming along for spots in the convoy!! Just saying, it's probably the fairest way of doing it!! Doing a "ticket sales start at X time" type of deal kind of sucks for anyone without access to a computer or something during that time frame. A raffle is 100% equal opportunity for very OB member-if your name is drawn, you have the option to pay for the ticket and attend, or opt out and your name removed from this seasons OTG raffle, and the ticket/spot is raffled to the next Members name drawn. Easy way to do it too, random number generator, 1-6,XXX, (with 6,XXX=number of active members). When a member number is drawn, they're contacted by @Michael or @Corrie (or whichever OB team member is in charge of it) and have 24hrs to respond with a yes or no, and payment for the convoy placement!
Just a thought....
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Just a thought....
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