Enthusiast I
Hello All,
So being new to the group I am just getting caught up on all the things going on. I understand the OTG 2017 is planned for the last weekend in September. But am I correct no specific location has been established?
If planning is still on going for a location I would add my couple pennies to the idea of the east coast meets the west coast somewhere in the middle idea. That kind of Overland journey would be an awesome trip that would have folks talking for years and I would pass on Overland East this year to make that trip.
But certainly if not this year, maybe in the upcoming years. Perhaps the five year mark OTG 2020 should be a big blow out event bringing as many as possible together. Something to think about anyway.
So being new to the group I am just getting caught up on all the things going on. I understand the OTG 2017 is planned for the last weekend in September. But am I correct no specific location has been established?
If planning is still on going for a location I would add my couple pennies to the idea of the east coast meets the west coast somewhere in the middle idea. That kind of Overland journey would be an awesome trip that would have folks talking for years and I would pass on Overland East this year to make that trip.
But certainly if not this year, maybe in the upcoming years. Perhaps the five year mark OTG 2020 should be a big blow out event bringing as many as possible together. Something to think about anyway.