OB'ers vs Covid19

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Go have fun, I hope you don't lose anyone close to you in the name of a haircut or dinner out. I have. It SUCKS. Likewise, I'm dropping of this thread for the same reason I am ignoring Facebook. I signed up to help people, not to be sacrificed and the idea that I should be ok with being collateral damage so that people can mingle socially pisses me off.


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Off-Road Ranger I

Wherever we park it will be home !!
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WRPN 506
Again, taking freedoms away does not evolve a society.
So, you’d be the guy refusing to turn the lights off in his home during German bombing raids in London, because you refused to give up your right to do so? Dude, a temporary suspension of perceived freedoms is not a bad thing. When we as a nation were going thru any of the aforementioned historical events personal freedoms were indeed sacrificed to preserve and advance overall freedom for all. That my good man is an unarguable fact. How we handle this pandemic is no different. I’m out of words, thanks

Lanlubber In Remembrance

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I'm just curious to see if any members of OB contracted the virus. I'm not getting political and asking as a way to use low OB numbers as any kind of basis for anything other than seeing if the "OB lifestyle" is more suitable for skirting around things like a virus. We pretty much seek solitude anyway and are generally prepared to be without having to go to a grocery store for longer periods of time than the average folk, and most of us seem to be pretty self reliant to a point, so it would only make sense that overall, most of us have NOT gotten the virus. I don't even know anyone who has gotten it, but most folk I know and hang around are like me and don't get out around a lot of people and do pretty well with isolation anyway.
Yes, but we all eat Spam, we are immune to anything.


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Prairieville, LA
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Like @Sneaks , I work in public service/healthcare and haven't been able to stay home or self-isolate. I'm an Investigator for a Coroner's Office, so I'm in and out of hospitals, nursing homes and the homes of private citizens several times during every shift. There is no way to isolate or hide from it except to stay masked up and hit every hand sanitizer station I can find. So far at least, myself, my family nor any of my coworkers have gotten or have had it that we know of. We started antibody testing last week at work and all have been negative. No positive flu tests either, so the guess is that all of the hacking and coughing going on around the office is spring allergies. Its not a matter of IF you get it, only WHEN and how bad. Guess we'll see....
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Rank III

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Don’t forget that many have sacrificed everything so we could have those freedoms. Contributing in the time of need is just giving back to society. We’re in this together bud.
I'm on the front lines of this thing and take care of the positive China virus patients in an ICU at the VA I work at, every day I go to work. I also served my country, take care of others who have also served my country, and am well aware of sacrifice and those that have sacrificed. I know how to protect myself and others. Oh yeah @Sneaks , I cut my own hair and make my own dinner. I have isolated myself from my mom and others in the high risk group, haven't seen them in months. I'm happy she has not needed my help because I don't want to go around her since again, I am in the shit on a daily basis when I work.

I rarely go out but when I do, I don't wear a mask out in public because I am not sick and we are not allowed to take N95's (the only mask that protects you from this) home because we need the PPE supplies for us at the hospital. I see others wearing masks and that is their prerogative but again those masks don't protect you if it's not a N95 or better. But please wear one if you are sick so you can protect others. I see others wearing gloves and they are just spreading disease unless they change their gloves and put a new pair on after everything they touch.

As far as the whole turning lights out in a German air raid comment? .Not even worth a response....There is so much ignorance with this whole thing flying around here it's ridiculous. YMMV
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Rank IV
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Biddeford, Maine, USA
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Both my adult children got it (recovered), lost an aunt, a coworker, and old school buddy. My daughter had moderate symptoms and recovered quickly. My son's shop closed after 6 out of 9 techs got sick, he was number seven. He spent 5 days in CCU - fortunately wasn't ventilated - and is on a long recovery road as he has previous respiratory damage from his previous occupation. I've been fortunate so far not to have contracted it. As of last night I have been in contact with 97 confirmed cases (EMT). Things were just starting to settle down in the last two weeks, suspect with the opening up of states the next few weeks we will either see a spike or warmer weather will keep things in check. IMHO, it could go either way.
For comparison, I live in York county, one of Maine's hotspots, comparatively, and I know no one who has had it or tested positive for it. Being a sacrificial essential worker for a medical devices parts supplier, most people have had to come to work. I figured by now, we would have had somebody tested positive who worked here, but nope.


Rank III

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For comparison, I live in York county, one of Maine's hotspots, comparatively, and I know no one who has had it or tested positive for it. Being a sacrificial essential worker for a medical devices parts supplier, most people have had to come to work. I figured by now, we would have had somebody tested positive who worked here, but nope.
Several people/coworkers where I work have tested positive. No one on my floor has. Which is impressive because every positive patient comes to us. We are the designated China virus unit. Only one co-worker was pretty sick and he is a respiratory therapist. He has since recovered. He was directly exposed giving a breathing treatment to an undiagnosed, at the time, China virus patient. I believe the extent of your sickness, if you get this, is directly correlated with your viral load. The RT I mentioned was definitely exposed to a large viral load with the disease being aerosolized with the nebulizer and he got very sick. Others have no symptoms. Others who have symptoms and you would think have it, test negative. The tests need a certain viral load to trip positive. You can test negative and then your symptoms get worse in a couple of weeks and then you test positive.


Rank V
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Off-Road Ranger I

Wherever we park it will be home !!
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WRPN 506
I'm on the front lines of this thing and take care of the positive China virus patients in an ICU at the VA I work at, every day I go to work. I also served my country, take care of others who have also served my country, and am well aware of sacrifice and those that have sacrificed. I know how to protect myself and others. Oh yeah @Sneaks , I cut my own hair and make my own dinner. I have isolated myself from my mom and others in the high risk group, haven't seen them in months. I'm happy she has not needed my help because I don't want to go around her since again, I am in the shit on a daily basis when I work.

I rarely go out but when I do, I don't wear a mask out in public because I am not sick and we are not allowed to take N95's (the only mask that protects you from this) home because we need the PPE supplies for us at the hospital. I see others wearing masks and that is their prerogative but again those masks don't protect you if it's not a N95 or better. But please wear one if you are sick so you can protect others. I see others wearing gloves and they are just spreading disease unless they change their gloves and put a new pair on after everything they touch.

As far as the whole turning lights out in a German air raid comment? .Not even worth a response....There is so much ignorance with this whole thing flying around here it's ridiculous. YMMV
Wally, how can you possibly say some of the things you have said and at the same time be serving others with your work? You came off sounding like one of those armed idiots that stormed the state capital, carrying on about freedom etc. as to ignoranc, the WWII analogy is certainly an exaggeration to make a point.. you’re on the front lines of this, I don’t follow your line of logic.


Rank III

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You haven't followed what I have been saying from the beginning of this discussion, so it is what it is. I'm out of words.

Brett L.

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armed idiots that stormed the state capital
I like that you describe those that are unhappy with being arrested for running on a beach alone, for being told whose job is essential and whose isn't by the government, those concerned about whether they're "essential" enough and able to feed their families, as "armed idiots".

I understand the concern regarding COVID-19 but there has been case after case of American citizens having their constitutional rights stomped on by tyrannical leaders. Your fear does not strip me of my constitutional rights. AG Barr agrees. A lot of these actions have nothing to do with safety and everything to do with control. You may be okay with this but a lot of us are not.


Rank III

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I like that you describe those that are unhappy with being arrested for running on a beach alone, for being told whose job is essential and whose isn't by the government, those concerned about whether they're "essential" enough and able to feed their families, as "armed idiots".

I understand the concern regarding COVID-19 but there has been case after case of American citizens having their constitutional rights stomped on by tyrannical leaders. Your fear does not strip me of my constitutional rights. AG Barr agrees. A lot of these actions have nothing to do with safety and everything to do with control. You may be okay with this but a lot of us are not.


Murphy Slaw

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In Illinois this morning there have been 65,962 tested positive. 2,838 deaths.

That's a death rate of .04 you guys.

The entire U.S.A. numbers aren't much higher.

Seriously, we're supposed to shut down EVERYTHING for this?

We're quietly going about our business down here in the south.

I don't know anyone who's had it, and there are zero deaths from it around here.
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Biddeford, Maine, USA
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In Illinois this morning there have been 65,962 tested positive. 2,838 deaths.

That's a death rate of .04 you guys.

The entire U.S.A. numbers aren't much higher.

Seriously, we're supposed to shut down EVERYTHING for this?

We're quietly going about our business down here in the south.

I don't know anyone who's had it, and there are zero deaths from it around here.
Nationwide, confirmed mortalityrate is around 6%, some areas, like NYC are around 8%. Now ask yourself is the mortality rate so low because of the Draconian efforts to stop the spread? Or would it have had no affect at all? I'm ready to cautiously restart lives again and watch and wait and see if new cases spike dramatically. If people are afraid, or high risk, stay home. Otherwise, allow people to go about their lives with a hyped up awareness that they could get sick and spread it to others in their family.

Living life in fear is not living.
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Rank V
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Off-Road Ranger I

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WRPN 506
If the N.Y. metro area is taken out of the equation the current death rate in the rest of the US is just now tickling 100 deaths per million. Include the metro area and it is 200 deaths per million. Sweden chose herd immunity and they are at 256 deaths per million and rising. I hear the term herd immunity and being raised on a “registered livestock farm” ( show animals) we practiced herd immunity. The herd was regularly culled of the weaker ones either by natural selection or selective breeding, ( off to the slaughter house ) thereby making the herd stronger. Are you guys that disagree with my thoughts suggesting that we go the way of Sweden? Allow the herd to be culled naturally? Look, I don’t live in fear. Not at all. However, I am cautious enough to have had my colonoscopy when I should have even though the odds are less than 4% ..
I really hope that those that disagree with my assessment of the c-19 pandemic are correct. I hope I am wrong.

David C Gibbs

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I was sick with a URI in January, the swab came back negative for the two current FLU strains. I ran a 102/103 temp for 4+ days. Lots of details I won't go into. It passed and I got on with life. Ten days ago the Dr. that did the swab, called and asked if I have had the Antibody Test, to determine if I passed this SARS-CoV2 in January. I am now on a List of 300+ waiting for my turn to get the Antibody test. In the meantime, both the LandCruiser and Tacoma have been thoroughly disinfected and sterilized.

I'm the only one that travels for Food, Wine, Essentials. I wear a mask in public because I need to know that I'm not infecting anyone. Only during a Pandemic does the house your isolated in burn-out Light Blubs! Six of them... That run to Home Depot was expensive - in addition to Light Blubs, I purchased furnace filters, birdseed for the Finches, and new Toro Weed-wacker. Be safe, sane. DG

Added content: After I posted the above, I went to make more Coffee, and found that I was using my last filter, and the last of my coffee. Cr_p, I have to make a trip. 109.00 later - Pantry, fridge & Freezer are fully stocked...until I run out of something else. DG

More added content: Well, whatever I passed in January - it was not SARS-CoV2. The antibody test came back as negative. I guess that is good news. However, that means I may have past another pneumonia style bug. DG
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