I'm on the front lines of this thing and take care of the positive China virus patients in an ICU at the VA I work at, every day I go to work. I also served my country, take care of others who have also served my country, and am well aware of sacrifice and those that have sacrificed. I know how to protect myself and others. Oh yeah
@Sneaks , I cut my own hair and make my own dinner. I have isolated myself from my mom and others in the high risk group, haven't seen them in months. I'm happy she has not needed my help because I don't want to go around her since again, I am in the shit on a daily basis when I work.
I rarely go out but when I do, I don't wear a mask out in public because I am not sick and we are not allowed to take N95's (the only mask that protects you from this) home because we need the PPE supplies for us at the hospital. I see others wearing masks and that is their prerogative but again those masks don't protect you if it's not a N95 or better. But please wear one if you are sick so you can protect others. I see others wearing gloves and they are just spreading disease unless they change their gloves and put a new pair on after everything they touch.
As far as the whole turning lights out in a German air raid comment? .Not even worth a response....There is so much ignorance with this whole thing flying around here it's ridiculous. YMMV