Influencer II
I've been jonesing for a Sprinter for a few years. I've got the Jeep for the moderate to heavy stuff off-road. To me, the Sprinter is not a replacement for the Jeep and vice versa.Great read! May I ask why you ended up with a sprinter? My wife and I have been going back and forth on vetting a sprinter or a truck. We love the idea of the sprinter but also want to do a little more off roading than I think the Sprinter can handle.
I got the Sprinter because I am looking to use it as a mountain biking / hiking / snowboarding base camp, and for that purpose its more versatile than the Jeep (e.g. I can leave the mountain bikes / snowboards locked inside the van when not in use, the van will sleep more comfortably than my RTT and doesn't require any setup... just park it and camp is setup).