Larry Gaudreau
Rank II

Enthusiast I
Enthusiast I
Advocate III
ADA (another darn Army). A world of its own... I was attached to ADA for 7 years and thought I would never leave. My brother was a 14T for years 8 (2001-2009) serving out of Fort Bliss, TX and Korea.I'm interested.
Here is my first Overland rig. (US Army Issued M35A1 with homemade camper)
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Traveler III
Thank you for your service.ADA (another darn Army). A world of its own... I was attached to ADA for 7 years and thought I would never leave. My brother was a 14T for years 8 (2001-2009) serving out of Fort Bliss, TX and Korea.I'm interested.
Here is my first Overland rig. (US Army Issued M35A1 with homemade camper)
View attachment 169271
Thank you for your service.
Advocate III
63S-63B-91B hereThank you for your service.
I was a 63B Truck and generator mechanic in a ADA unit in Bad Hersfeld Germany from 1983-1986.
Member I
Member III
I think you guys are way overthinking this.I decided to play around a bit with ideas... I tried to get it to say "CULTUS ET EXPLORARE" at the bottom where the Outfit and Explore text was, but I don't have great graphic design skills... This is what I got so far though:
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Traveler I
Member III
I like that idea, I already have two numbered medallions on my truck but it would be nice to have something to go under the medallion made the same as the medallion that states Military Veteran.How about just a metal rocker that can be added under the numbered member medallion that states “Veteran” or “Military Veteran” or “Honorably Discharged Veteran”?
World Traveler III
Advocate I
Advocate I
that's pretty cool. i was on subs in the navy and did nato ops with canadian subs and even got to go onboard the Onondaga in Halifax. great bunch of guys and they were allowed alcohol on board and were able to drink underway...american military doesnt allow that so of course we had to make fun of them out of jealously. i dont know anything about the royal air force, but that was just too funny not to post@grubworm always liked that one, but this was my mount -Light Armoured Recce around 1978 or so. No armourold ex-USMC .03 1944 issue cal rebored to 7.62, and big 50's era radio 3 guys lived for 7 days in that poor thing.
Ft Lewis on 15 Div Prairie I think
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World Traveler III
Are you provided anything that states you are/were military? A medal citation, a picture on the job, discharge/transfer/assignment papers, NATO ID...@lilbear105 what about us non US vets though how do we validate ?
Steward I
Enthusiast III
I was a 31C assigned to 1/43 ADA at FT Bliss '86 to '88. That's not what WE called ADA. Its not fit for polite societyADA (another darn Army). A world of its own... I was attached to ADA for 7 years and thought I would never leave. My brother was a 14T for years 8 (2001-2009) serving out of Fort Bliss, TX and Korea.
Thank you for your service.
Enthusiast III
Enthusiast III
Trail Blazer I
I like the idea. I have a nephew serving in Afghanistan at the moment who is a budding overlander. I am mailing one of my ambassador coins to his stateside address this week and probably sending him a gift membership.Many fellow vets and some still slingin the lead, thought an OB military decal would be cool....