Enthusiast III
Enthusiast III
Member III
Enthusiast III
Pathfinder I
That's a very beautifull g-class !!HI I am Jacques Nilles from Luxembourg
My rig is a 2013 G-Wagon Professional camper conversion
Experience: 2011/12 - 1 year living in a tent and a car trough Australia and New Zealand
Since then we made several trips with our rig here in Central Europe where unfortunately it gets more and more difficult to find spots to stay overnight in the nature.
Expedition Master I
Welcome to Overland BoundHello
I'm Wouter Parmentier, live in the west-flanders in Belgium.
I have a 2005 range rover L322 and it has the basic setup to travel and overlanding (i think)
Have already fit:
An rooftoptent (Frontrunner)
Fresh water tank 50L (pump to be fitted)
Dual battery systeem (with solinoid from national lunna)
Fridge/freezer (snomaster 40l)
Drawers system in the back (Frontrunner)
Use a tabled with ram mount to navigatie.
Next top fit: (near Future)
Plumbing for the fresh water, and pump
Dual arb air compressor
Finishing and connecting the snorkel
Would like to do:
Under body protection
Rock/tree sliders
Gadgets on the roofrack ( underrack table storage, axe, ...)
270° awning
Aditional battery capacity
My experience with overlanding is not that extensive.
Did a few weekends and lid weeks.
Did one big trip with my 85 Volkswagen T3 (T25) syncro. Drove 5500 km from Belgium to the Balkan and back in 17 day's and loved it !
So that's me in a nutshell ;)
Expedition Master I
Welcome to Overland Bound!Hi everyone- new member from SF Bay Area, CA. Attended my first Overland Expo West a few weeks ago and signed up as an OB member there. I'm new to this community, but not new to overlanding, camping, exploring, traveling, road tripping, hiking, backpacking, and anything adventure. That said, I'm nowhere near being an expert and look forward to connecting w/ other members and learning new things. I'm currently sporting a 2015 JKUR w/ a ST3 Teraflex lift and 3.3 Falcon shocks. The penthouse is an iKamper 4x. Happy to be part of the group!
Pioneer I
Welcome Wouter i’m The Regional Director for West Europe and a more here to help you in anyway I can.Hello
I'm Wouter Parmentier, live in the west-flanders in Belgium.
I have a 2005 range rover L322 and it has the basic setup to travel and overlanding (i think)
Have already fit:
An rooftoptent (Frontrunner)
Fresh water tank 50L (pump to be fitted)
Dual battery systeem (with solinoid from national lunna)
Fridge/freezer (snomaster 40l)
Drawers system in the back (Frontrunner)
Use a tabled with ram mount to navigatie.
Next top fit: (near Future)
Plumbing for the fresh water, and pump
Dual arb air compressor
Finishing and connecting the snorkel
Would like to do:
Under body protection
Rock/tree sliders
Gadgets on the roofrack ( underrack table storage, axe, ...)
270° awning
Aditional battery capacity
My experience with overlanding is not that extensive.
Did a few weekends and lid weeks.
Did one big trip with my 85 Volkswagen T3 (T25) syncro. Drove 5500 km from Belgium to the Balkan and back in 17 day's and loved it !
So that's me in a nutshell ;)
thanks FJTalonHi Gary, I think the biggest thing to have is the desire to go and explore. Sure all the mods are nice to have, but getting out is what I think overlanding is all about. I have 2007 FJ cruiser mostly stco. I have done small things to make it mine and unique that is about it. In time I probably will add major mods but they are not a priority for me. Welcome! I am new too.
Contributor III
Enthusiast III
Hi Wouter, good idea !That's a very beautifull g-class !!
It's true, it is dificult to find good spot's to camp in the nature in europe. especially in west-europe (Belgium, Netherlands, germany,...)
But if you look closely there are some out there.
Maybe it's e Nice idee to make some sort of map here on OB with the Nice Hidden campspots in our area
Enthusiast III
Salut Jacques.HI I am Jacques Nilles from Luxembourg
My rig is a 2013 G-Wagon Professional camper conversion
Experience: 2011/12 - 1 year living in a tent and a car trough Australia and New Zealand
Since then we made several trips with our rig here in Central Europe where unfortunately it gets more and more difficult to find spots to stay overnight in the nature.
Pathfinder I
Welcome Wouter i’m The Regional Director for West Europe and a more here to help you in anyway I can.
Keep an eye on the Europe rally point events for things going on and get involved in the conversation building our European community.
I am heading to Abenteuer Allrad thus weekend where there is an OB Mid Europe meet.
Maybe we will get to see you there ?
Pathfinder I
Don't knouw how to start it thoughHi Wouter, good idea !
Member III
Member III
I Rowlett, Tx-Dallas area of TexasNew Members,
Welcome to the Overland Bound community! Please take a few moments to introduce yourself so we can get to know you!
A few things you might want to include in your introduction are:
1) Picture! If you have a rig, we want to see it!
2) Location (General area is fine)
3) Rig (Year, Make, Model, etc.)
4) Overlanding Experience Background (Novice or Experienced, you're welcome here!)
We're glad you've found us and look forward to sharing our adventures with you!
In addition to getting to know you, here are the guideline sent to all Moderators of the forums. It's a natural reflection of our community, and what Overland Bound is all about:
From @administrator
- Overlanding is: "Vehicle Dependent Travel". Nothing else.
- We will not further define "overlanding".
- "Capable" depends on the requirements of the trip, and we take that very seriously.
- You are an Overlander: Overlanding is for everyone who has exploration and adventure in their heart, or, who need to be reinvigorated by connecting with nature. Nature is unforgiving. You must rise to a certain level of personal awareness to survive. Sound right? Overlanding is for you.
- Encourage uncomplicated ventures into the great outdoors. Don't over pack.
- Be prepared, and understand basic requirements. Question folks, to be sure they are aware of what is required. Don't assume.
- Share without reservation, trip locations, and information.
- It doesn't matter what you drive: The only requirement of an Overlander is that the vehicle serves the job required, safely.
- We do not care about make or model.
- We do not engage in "this is better than that" competitions.
- We DO give advice about how to make your vehicle ready for what you need. Share knowledge.
- Humility.
- We respect, fear, and protect nature.
- "I don't know" is a great answer.
- We don’t brag about exploits.
- We seek answers from the community when we don’t know.
- We engage in the very smallest of interactions.
Contributor III
Member III
As fast as budget allows. I like that lol.Hello all, my name is Jeff from Sugar Land, Texas recently joined.
I’m a rank novice with a high degree of interest in overlanding and am hoping to learn from those who have blazed the trail before me.
My rig is a mostly stock 2017 Tacoma Off Road that I bought new a little over a year ago and am mod’ing as fast as the budget allows.
Protector II
Enthusiast III
Hi John greetings from the south of LuxembourgSalut Jacques.