Contributor II
Hello Ken, welcome to Overland Bound.Well hi I am Ken however as that name was taken no shock there then choose “Grumpy old man” as that is what my wife thinks I am lol. My location is Goa India, however both sons live in Australia so our next adventure is another big lap of Oz stealing sons Triton for the trip taking 3 to 6 months being retired is the best job ever. Past trips include over the years 1976 riding dirt bike from port harcourt to Lagos around 600kms. This was while working there as a helicopter mech for two years. Riding another dirt bike round Mail west Africa while being an engine tech rep on presidents aircraft. Driving VW bus round Kinshasa Zaire while working for total w**ker only time I had jump ship. Next working in Bombay for 7 years now driving round that place is a true adventure you just have to do lol. Driven up into Kashmir and gone over the highest drivable road in the world at 5602 meters 18000 + feet above sea level.
So our next big trip is doing Australia again looking fwd to it. Swaging our way round doing canning stock route gibb river road Annie Beal highway bridsville and various others.
So hi to all hope to meet up in the bush/ outback or the roads of India sometime.