How has the Covid-19 virus affected your adventures?

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Rank VI

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Hunt county, TX, USA
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I don't need it to get by ... I work in logistics and business is booming. I feel guilty about getting this money I don't need when so many others do ... Is anyone else feeling like that?
Dont if youve worked its your tax money. The unemployeed will be getting more than us.

Lanlubber In Remembrance

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Mimbres, NM, USA
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Here in WA State they closed fishing, but are leaving pot stores open.

Seems they know who their preferred voting base is.........
I feel sorry for you. My governor took advantage of the situation and closed the gun and ammo sales in the entire state. Before she was governor here she was a congress woman in Wa. state. Wish you guys had kept her, she is a real kook, even by NM liberal standards.


Rank II

Enthusiast III

Washington, USA
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I feel sorry for you. My governor took advantage of the situation and closed the gun and ammo sales in the entire state. Before she was governor here she was a congress woman in Wa. state. Wish you guys had kept her, she is a real kook, even by NM liberal standards.
They also closed the gun stores. Now we have liberals wondering how to get a gun! Too funny!
Any responsible gun owner already has what they need. The gov't closing the guns stores is an attempted face-punch to conservatives, and keeping the pot stores open shows allegiance with drug users (voter base) but it matters not to most of us.
In my book, any "responsible" gun owner always has enough ammo for every single firearm they own, to the point the wife has to say "really? is that much necessary!?"

BTW she sound like a typical career politician, doesn't do well in one state move to the next.

Odyssey USA

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Umm. It’s screwed us out of getting out from under our small business due to the buyer backing out after 2 months of preparing the transition, getting out of most debt, modding the Jeep, buying gear, and taking our first vacation in 5 years, a 5k mile adventure this summer. Not a happy camper.

At least we’re healthy so far. Things could be worse.
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Rank V

Traveler II

Prairieville, LA
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Service Branch
I'm blessed to still be working, although the job can be depressing sometimes. More so now with all that's going on, but I really do like what I do and its something that's gotta be done regardless of the circumstances. I've consciously redoubled my efforts to go in when I'm scheduled and try to keep a good attitude and a smile on my face in the hope that it might bring the people I interact with some small measure of comfort during what is surely a crappy time in their life anyway. The professional downside is the fact that its not IF I end up catching it, but WHEN and how bad will it be. I have no choice but to interact with people in fairly close contact in order to be able to even DO my job. I take all the precautions I routinely take with a few more now thrown in for good measure, but will it end up being enough when all is said and done? I'm healthy at the moment (as far as I know anyway), but I'm in my late 40's with a family history of cardio and respiratory illness on both sides of my blood family. It actually might be interesting, in a detached and scientific way, to see if it ends up just being a nuisance for me with some unplanned time off or something more serious that could end up with one of my co-workers investigating and writing MY death summary. Guess we'll see....

Personally, the get away, decompress and recharge plans we had for the year are pretty much being shot to hell by the day which is a major downer. Not being able to even just get away for a weekend in the "local" area anytime soon is actually worse for my moral than holding off on the bigger trip(s) I was planning. The big trips being postponed just gives me more time to tweak them. The lack of shorter trips just MIGHT make me start going a little stir crazy though. I was hoping to get out a few times before it got too hot, but i seriously doubt that will happen now. Its already in the 80's and only going to get hotter from here on out with higher humidity. After all, there is only so much I can do around the house before I run out of stuff to do. Once again, I guess we'll see....

On a brighter note, I went shopping for the first time in the last two weeks this morning and was actually able to score a 4 pack of TP and a loaf of bread without having to go Mad Max for it! No paper towels, hand sanitizer or disinfectants of any type to be found after stops at four different stores (national chains and locals), but HEY! Its an improvement. Baby steps!!! :grinning:

Lanlubber In Remembrance

Rank V
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Mimbres, NM, USA
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covey sr
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They also closed the gun stores. Now we have liberals wondering how to get a gun! Too funny!
Any responsible gun owner already has what they need. The gov't closing the guns stores is an attempted face-punch to conservatives, and keeping the pot stores open shows allegiance with drug users (voter base) but it matters not to most of us.
In my book, any "responsible" gun owner always has enough ammo for every single firearm they own, to the point the wife has to say "really? is that much necessary!?"

BTW she sound like a typical career politician, doesn't do well in one state move to the next.
Trump rubbed her nose in it by declaring the gun-ammo industry essential yesterday. :-)


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I wish this forum had a formal Soapbox subforum under Off-Topic in which political rants and strong personal views could be held. Far too many otherwise civil threads have personal political beliefs interjected that have nothing to do with the intention of the thread, often derailing the thread entirely as it devolves into divisive puffing and pounding of chests.

A lot of us come here to get AWAY from the political madness of mainstream media, manipulative websites, and individuals pushing personal agendas, not be thrust back into it.

A separate Soapbox area, like many forums have, in fact most I know of, would let those who want to yell at each other with claims about whatever they firmly believe in, or pat each other on the back for being similarly opinionated, would let other threads, and most members, continue in the discussion intended.

I'm a contributing member of several forums online. The one that has the most civil conversations in which all parties deal with each other with respect, and an acknowledgment that others have a right to their point of view without being shouted down or ridiculed, simply does not allow political talk.

It's become obvious over and over here that self-policing does not always work well (shouldn't have to happen to the degree it already does) and that a lot of members don't partake in forum discussions because a minority of members all too often lead the thread down the path of being political and divisive.

You want to be overtly pro-Trump or bash Trump or be pro gun or anti-gun or be overtly "left" or "right" or "liberal" or "conservative" start your own thread under Off-Topic, not General Discussion, and put "SOAPBOX" or "POLITICAL" in the thread title so the members who could not care less about your political leanings don't have to listen to it.
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Jake T

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Saint Louis, MO
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Two trips to northeast Minnesota cancelled for me now. Went out for a quick and local overnight Friday night and all I could think of was the "what ifs" leading to bigger problems during this time—even as self reliant and removed from civilization as I was/am. I regretted it. Time to hunker down for a while. I've got a one year old daughter and she matters most right now.

That being said, once this thing is done...well let's just say I think I'll be on the road for a little while to make up for lost time!

Lanlubber In Remembrance

Rank V
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Mimbres, NM, USA
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covey sr
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I wish this forum had a formal Soapbox subforum under Off-Topic in which political rants and strong personal views could be held. Far too many otherwise civil threads have personal political beliefs interjected that have nothing to do with the intention of the thread, often derailing the thread entirely as it devolves into divisive puffing and pounding of chests.

A lot of us come here to get AWAY from the political madness of mainstream media, manipulative websites, and individuals pushing personal agendas, not be thrust back into it.

A separate Soapbox area, like many forums have, in fact most I know of, would let those who want to yell at each other with claims about whatever they firmly believe in, or pat each other on the back for being similarly opinionated, would let other threads, and most members, continue in the discussion intended.

I'm a contributing member of several forums online. The one that has the most civil conversations in which all parties deal with each other with respect, and an acknowledgment that others have a right to their point of view without being shouted down or ridiculed, simply does not allow political talk.

It's become obvious over and over here that self-policing does not always work well (shouldn't have to happen to the degree it already does) and that a lot of members don't partake in forum discussions because a minority of members all too often lead the thread down the path of being political and divisive.

You want to be overtly pro-Trump or bash Trump or be pro gun or anti-gun or be overtly "left" or "right" or "liberal" or "conservative" start your own thread under Off-Topic, not General Discussion, and put "SOAPBOX" or "POLITICAL" in the thread title so the members who could not care less about your political leanings don't have to listen to it.
Me thinks your "SOAPBOX" is doing well. Thank God for "FREE SPEECH" for all of us regardless of subject. I don't hear the OP complaining !


Rank V
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I don't need it to get by ... I work in logistics and business is booming. I feel guilty about getting this money I don't need when so many others do ... Is anyone else feeling like that?
yep, I'm retired and my pension is unlikely to change,


Rank II

Enthusiast III

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All our adventures and gear upgrades are cancelled. I got my layoff notice so I'm out of work by the end of April thanks to a combination of covid and the cratering oil prices. To add insult to injury, due to covid virtually nobody is hiring in any industry here. We'll be ok for a few months, but if this virus crap goes on into summer I may end up having sell off a ton of our gear and worst case scenario, my truck, in order to pay the mortgage and put food on the table.

Lanlubber In Remembrance

Rank V
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Mimbres, NM, USA
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covey sr
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Ham/GMRS Callsign
All our adventures and gear upgrades are cancelled. I got my layoff notice so I'm out of work by the end of April thanks to a combination of covid and the cratering oil prices. To add insult to injury, due to covid virtually nobody is hiring in any industry here. We'll be ok for a few months, but if this virus crap goes on into summer I may end up having sell off a ton of our gear and worst case scenario, my truck, in order to pay the mortgage and put food on the table.
I have felt your pain (desperation) for too many times in my life. Somehow I managed to overcome and survive without help from the government or anyone else. It's a tough way to live, especially when it is caused by events we have no control over.
Don't be surprised to find out some day that this is all a very well planned event. Someone will get a lot richer and we will all be a lot poorer.
Right now everyone's opinion is mud and one opinion is as good as another's. Just put one foot in front of the other till you find your path.
God be with you and your family.
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Lanlubber In Remembrance

Rank V
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Mimbres, NM, USA
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covey sr
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Ham/GMRS Callsign
I don't need it to get by ... I work in logistics and business is booming. I feel guilty about getting this money I don't need when so many others do ... Is anyone else feeling like that?
It's not free money, our grandkids will have to pay for it. So no, I don't need it. I've been in worse situations before when I had six kids and a wife. We all survived a little stronger for it.


Rank II

Enthusiast III

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I have felt your pain (desperation) for too many times in my life. Somehow I managed to overcome and survive without help from the government or anyone else. It's a tough way to live, especially when it is caused by events we have no control over.
Don't be surprised to find out some day that this is all a very well planned event. Someone will get a lot richer and we will all be a lot poorer.
Right now everyone's opinion is mud and one opinion is as good as another's. Just put one foot in front of the other till you find your path.
God be with you and your family.
Thank you for the kind words. I don't understand the concept of "quitting" or of "giving up". I will find a way, I always have. I hope everyone else will be able to persevere in these tough times as well.


Rank 0

Traveler I

Albuquerque, NM, USA
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Before New Mexico went into lock down, I just pass the time cruising along I-40 or I-25 cause having 4 days off and having to shelter-in-place made me go nuts. As of now we are in a lockdown and I have been planning my next trips even if it wont happen for a while..never hurts to plan future trips..with this I am building a lot of Vacation time at work.

Lanlubber In Remembrance

Rank V
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Mimbres, NM, USA
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covey sr
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Before New Mexico went into lock down, I just pass the time cruising along I-40 or I-25 cause having 4 days off and having to shelter-in-place made me go nuts. As of now we are in a lockdown and I have been planning my next trips even if it wont happen for a while..never hurts to plan future trips..with this I am building a lot of Vacation time at work.
Hang in there Author, it will pass. Don't let panic ruin your day. Stay safe, stay well.
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