I am only 172cm tall maybe, probably 90kg so I am more concerned about fitting my width over my height... We are 4 people, 2 kids and maybe a dog once we get the vehicle sorted. As long as the cab can seat 5 and has back seat pockets for tablets it should be plenty roomy for trips. What we have been doing in the cruze is filling the trunk, and the back seatr floor, sitting the kids in the back, building a wall between them, then put some stuff on their laps, then fill the passenger floor area, in goes the wife, and then me. When you think about it; Sleeping stuff for 4, 2 tents 1 quite large, bbq/stove, gas, bikes, camera, clothes, rope, shovel, first aid, vehicle emergency kit, cooler, food for 4, it gets tight. Before kids I remember going in a sedan with just a small back pack and bed roll for a few days, with kids it seems like we need half the house. Then again now a days it seems like every week is a fire ban requiring one to have a gas stove. We will still have to use a tent for camping until I can buy/build a tow behind camper (Like a teardrop or hiker) our tent has been fine in heavy rain with little wind. A 3m water proofing will likely get it good again for a few more seasons.
Hopefully with the truck I can get to places that are not "pay and camp" sites. I find you need to bring more to enjoy them and they are more geared towards camper trailer people taking long trips accross the country. I want to go somewhere that feels less like a tent/camper trailer subdivision in the woods and more like the camping I did as a kid. Alone, in the dark, with only what/who you brought.