Member III
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- Jim
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- covey sr
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I must have a thick skull. Monty Python video was humor to me. I didn't see any minimalism in the video unless it was the subject of their conversation which seemed to me was like no one was listening to the others story of hardship. Because I am old, have seen a lot, and been through a lot in my lifetime, does that make me a minimalist if I am engaged in a conversation with another old fart telling me his sad experiences in life and me telling him mine? Assuming we have both overcome those sad situations and proud of our accomplishments, is that elitism ?Search Youtube for "Monty Python Four Yorkshiremen" and you will have the perfect example of elite minimalism. Just swap a few words like RTT for house, tent for cardboard box, trail mix for gravel... I am sure you will be able to recognize where you have seen such a perspective before.
My impression of the video was that all these guys had lived a shitty life at one time in their life. They were all accomplished individuals now and were trying to outdo each other with their sad stories and hardships to the extent they were exaggerating or enhancing their stories. Is that what you call elitism ? In other words If I tell you I killed my dog (it's true) and you come back and say yeah, I killed two dogs (it's a lie). That makes you a liar not an elitist.
I guess I just don't understand how conversation can be considered elitism or where the minimalist part comes in. My definition of a minimalist is someone who can do with less than others either by choice or by necessity. I think I fit that definition. My definition of the elite is someone who is considered as being the best or having the best of whatever you want to compare, usually requiring large sums of money, assets or pull. I am not that person, but I have worked for people who fit that classification. I see nothing wrong with being classified as such and I see no evil in being in that category. Elitism is someone who wishes to control you, your thoughts and your actions. The only way I could be compared to that is by being a father and parent and we use that as a means of educating our children. In the case of a parent I would rather call that leadership, but it is controlled. If you apply that to adults, it could be your boss who hires you to do a job in which he has control of everything you do on your job at his discretion.
I'm still trying to figure out why elitism is harmful to anyone who has a mind of their own. To me if a so called elitist tells me I should have this or that, it doesn't force me to do either, I take it as a suggestion and his opinion only. I think an elitist can only harm you if you allow him to harm you. That's not his fault, it would be your weakness and his strength. Seriously, as I almost always am, I may not like a person who has these controlling desires, but I can live with him and laugh at him when he spends $60,000 on his rig or his million dollar house, or his $5,000 business suits. I can do it because I know I cant, and I don't care that I cant have what he has. I shall not covet my neighbors goods has been my guidance on such matters. I don't expect others to follow my values and to that extent to each his own !