Hey folks,
RAC (the Canadian equivalent to the ARRL) is currently running both Basic and Advanced courses in an online format. I am taking the Advanced course and it is excellent.
It is also currently possible to take your exams online with a certified examiner anywhere in Canada (normally restricted to in-person and within your own Province).
RAC will be organizing another online Basic Amateur Radio Qualification Course tentatively scheduled to start in mid-August and run until early October. They should refresh this page with details once they have it sorted out
RAC Online Basic Amateur Radio Course
They are trying to gauge interest in offering the Advanced Qualification Course again. A survey to is here:
RAC Online Advanced Amateur Radio Qualification Course Survey (survey ends June 21).
The Basic course cost $50 and you also need to purchase the study guide.
The Advanced course is “free” to RAC members at a “Maple Leaf” membership level (minimum $100/year). You can just bump your membership to this level for a year and then revert to either the $48/$56 options later If you want. Of course, RAC does a lot of important work advocating for Amateur Radio with our municipal, provincial and federal governments and as part of the Canadian delegation to the IARU, so the extra money they get from a Maple Leaf membership is well spent.
I am a RAC member, but not on the board or anything. If you have any questions I can try to track down some answers.
73 de VA3KXS