Took the Jeep to a lake up near the Rubicon trail. First time there and I was into brookies with my first cast. I plan to go back with my float tube and do some camping.

OB 2646
Enthusiast III
Enthusiast III
OMG, those didn't come from the creek behind you did they?
Great looking fish....
Member III
Enthusiast III
Do you still live in CO?I learned to fly fish at an early age. I grew up 14 miles south west of Walden, Colorado on our ranch. The Little Grizzly and Big Grizzly creeks came together on our land and formed the North Platte River. No one other than people who had lived on the land since it was homesteaded had ever fished it.
I guess it spoiled me and I haven't fly fished much since leaving in 1966. We never kept anything less than 18 inches. I caught several German Browns more than 35" long. After working all day on the ranch, I would head 100 yards down to the creek. We due to the remoteness, we didn't have TV. Radio was crap except after dark. I grew up hunting and fishing. We used to swim in the creek all the time. You could look over 5 or 6 miles to the mountains where the snow was melting and feeding the creek. If you were lucky, the water was above 40F. My cousins from Texas would come up in the summer and they thought we were crazy.
I actually still have fishing rights on the old place but can't ever seem to find enough time to break free and go back. Lots of good fishing memories, too many bad family memories.
Member III
You have to be kidding me. I went to high school in Hayden CO, and we got snowed in one night after a basketball game in Walden. When I used to come out of Ft. Collins back to Hayden when the roads were bad, I always turned up through Wyoming and came down through Walden to go over Rabbit Ears. That area still has some grayling that are absolutely a ball to catch.I learned to fly fish at an early age. I grew up 14 miles south west of Walden, Colorado on our ranch. The Little Grizzly and Big Grizzly creeks came together on our land and formed the North Platte River. No one other than people who had lived on the land since it was homesteaded had ever fished it.
I guess it spoiled me and I haven't fly fished much since leaving in 1966. We never kept anything less than 18 inches. I caught several German Browns more than 35" long. After working all day on the ranch, I would head 100 yards down to the creek. We due to the remoteness, we didn't have TV. Radio was crap except after dark. I grew up hunting and fishing. We used to swim in the creek all the time. You could look over 5 or 6 miles to the mountains where the snow was melting and feeding the creek. If you were lucky, the water was above 40F. My cousins from Texas would come up in the summer and they thought we were crazy.
I actually still have fishing rights on the old place but can't ever seem to find enough time to break free and go back. Lots of good fishing memories, too many bad family memories.
Member III
Outstanding. Loved the area, but only place in the lower 48 I knew had worse weather than Hayden was Walden. 40 years ago, I used to hunt coyotes in that area. I need to take a run back up there this coming spring.You went with a quarter mile of our ranch. When you head out of Walden towards Steamboat, you go about 12 miles on a south west heading before cresting a very large ridge and then head due south. All of that ridge to the west was our BLM land and all the bottom land to the east for several miles. We ran 1000 head of cattle and had a very large haying operation.
Member III
Winter of 74/75 it never got above -50 through January. I remember stopping my car to shoot at a coyote in North Park one year and got back in the car, put it in drive, and it never moved. I could get out and watch the rears spinning but not gaining traction on the ice.The first winter there, it hit -62F. We had over 200 inches of snow. It was quite a shock, having grown up in the desert of Texas.
Trail Blazer III
Enthusiast II
Great catch and beautiful place to fishLearned how to fly-fish in Alaska. Plenty of salmon to practice on up there...!
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