Well said. I’ve never had a complaint about my coffee. People are usually happy to have something warm and familiar in their belly.Lol, reading these posts had me rolling - no disrespect. Hell, I love my coffee too! And in fact, I did a tour of duty, working for the coffee giant (Starbucks). I thought, hey with my love of coffee - why not, I live in their backyard. And my god before working for them, I was a drive through / walk-in person - anywhere between 4 to ? times a day. After working for them, I am maybe 1 or 2 times a week (more on the line of - because what I know, and cost) sorry.
But why were the posts cracking me up? Because of how the outdoor industry has changed and changed us. The simplicities and comforts available to us. Nothing wrong with that, I like comfort too, but (for me) I always approach camping, exploring, hiking, etc., with a vintage outlook ;)
I remember camping with my folks (trailer camping) and the good old percolator - though I didn't drink coffee then ;) it is a sweet memory.
Thumbs-up to vegasjeepguy - let me first say, I had my doubts the first time, I tried cowboy coffee. But it is really not bad, I actually like it - no foo-foo fancy equipment, oh I still add some cream. But I also like what it stands for (that's just me). I and a lover of history, back when things were simpler, back when camping really was a way of life, and what they endured and what worked for them, what innovators they were - still stands today, if people want to embrace them.
Please forgive my rambles, this is not a slam or poking fun at anyone - it's just an observation, from someone who really feeling the change of the world ;) ~cheers
My current percolator from our trip a few weeks ago.