Traveler I
I do realize it’s illegal but at the end of the day of there are so many trucks running aroung and the only people I’ve heard getting popped for it was in California. Ultimately I’ve never heard of any of those issues not saying it doesn’t happen but it makes you wondering if it’s really the delete or the shop screwed it up? Since I mean unless you are screwing with the ECU most people are doing tuners that simply tell the system to do something different than what the ECU is. Also my 24v 5.9 with the common rail injectors run oil through the tank just fine as well.Not nearly as well as mechanical. Common rail systems are MUCH less tolerant of contamination. And yeah, at least half of the deleted rigs I see have weird ghost issues in the ECMs from the illegal software required to run a delete. On new multiplexed electrical systems I have seen delete software cause the door locks not to work, I'm not kidding at all. Also did I mention it's illegal? Because it is, and if the EPA cracks down on light duty like they are on heavy duty that means your truck goes to the crusher and you get a $15,000 fine, and the shop that did the delete gets the same, and even the individual that removed the parts gets to pay the same fine. Really not worth it.
Edit to add: at the end of the day you can do what ever you want, I'm just giving advice to help keep people out of trouble, and give information so they can accurately weigh pros and cons.