Well all I can say is great minds think alike Wawa ... 2019 Outback .
In the process of adding a RTT with yakima supports ( for weight) , the stock subie rails suck...
- Yokohama GO15's
- MOtegi MR118 wheels
-Wheel arch moldings
-Badge black out ( plasti dip) - seems to hold up well with the badges
- LED light uprgrades
- Ecohitch installed ( 2")
- running a dual external GPS antenna with ipad ( GAIA GPS)
- redundant GPS - Oregon 600 on ram mount
-Interstate 5x8 trailer ( now with kayak rack)
- buying a RTT soon and needed something to pack all my $&%^ in

In the process of adding a RTT with yakima supports ( for weight) , the stock subie rails suck...
- Yokohama GO15's
- MOtegi MR118 wheels
-Wheel arch moldings
-Badge black out ( plasti dip) - seems to hold up well with the badges
- LED light uprgrades
- Ecohitch installed ( 2")
- running a dual external GPS antenna with ipad ( GAIA GPS)
- redundant GPS - Oregon 600 on ram mount
-Interstate 5x8 trailer ( now with kayak rack)
- buying a RTT soon and needed something to pack all my $&%^ in