Alpine Loop - Colorado: First Overland/Camping trip. Driving from Texas. Trip Planning.

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Ross Hoffman

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Hey guys looking for some feedback on the routes I can take that would allow me to do all of the Alpine Loop. Also looking to do some dispersed camping a few days throughout. I'm very new to this and i haven't done any kind of offroading trip in my pickup yet, much less any stand alone camping.

So I guess first things first. I have a 2017 F250 FX4 shortbed. Pictures attached. It has a level kit installed, 37" falkens and running boards that offer a little more clearance. Before the trip I plan to install a diamondback bed cover and a RTT. Will this setup allow me to navigate most of the loop? I don't need to do any hardcore parts of the trail. My main concern that I can foresee is trying to go up a trail and then finding myself not being able to back out or turn around, especially with traffic behind me.

I plan to do this trip anywhere from late spring to late summer of this year, 2019. Is this a good time frame? What months and/or weeks during that time frame would be best to plan a trip? I heard around July 4th those trails are busy, Memorial Day weekend and some kind of big Jeep meetup that happens. I would like to avoid that kind of stuff as much as possible.

I plan to only camp out 2 or 3 nights and the other days would be staying in a hotel like Lake City, Ouray, Silverton and the like. This is to keep the girlfriend sane, and for her to buy in to this trip :) Is there anything I need to consider when it comes to camping out there? Paying for a pass, length of stay, spots not allowing camping and the like.

Next is "gear". I don't have much really. I know i could get carried away easily with that, but seeing as this is only a few days, what would yall recommend are absolutes for this trip? And then maybe items that are nice to have that may make things a bit more enjoyable?

If there are other points like available maps with route details or similar that i haven't mentioned that I need to think about, by all means, please bring them up! And thanks for any and all input and answering these questions!

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Thanks! Yeah I'm hoping to get a lot of feedback on here. I've searched all over, including this site and I can only piece bits of the plan together.
Nice truck! We just did a similar trip from TX up to Colorado Springs, across to Black Gunnison NP, and then south through Ouray/Silverton/Durango, White Sands National Monument, back to TX. Unfortunately didn't get to do Alpine Loop in our 2WD Tacoma..

What kind of Falken Tires do you have? A good all terrain should be fine. I wouldn't worry about the RTT making you top heavy if it's sitting just above the black diamond cover. If it's any higher than the cab on the roof that's a different story.

As for nice-to-haves I'd recommend some traction boards. If you're wanting to do more of these trips in the future, the name brand Max Trax may be a good investment. If this is a one time trip, there are other ones for 1/3 of the price. Make sure you have a place to put em if they get dirty.

Would recommend the time frame you mentioned outside of the two holidays. Lots of Jeeps and ATVs (or OHV) around Ouray and Silverton when we were there in September. I'd just prep for the elevation, not something we're used to from Texas.

Hope you have a great trip!


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We are planning on going during the last week of June (if it's open). In my F-350 with Hallmark Camper (without the trailer).
I can highly reccomend you buy the Guide to Colorado Backroads and 4 Wheel Trails. It has a lot of detailed information and can help you decide which trails to take and which to avoid.



Ross Hoffman

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We are planning on going during the last week of June (if it's open). In my F-350 with Hallmark Camper (without the trailer).
I can highly reccomend you buy the Guide to Colorado Backroads and 4 Wheel Trails. It has a lot of detailed information and can help you decide which trails to take and which to avoid.

Thanks for the suggestion! I will definitely order it! What does your planned trip look like?


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We will be driving to Durango from Virginia where we'll meet our oldest son (30) and his wife who we are trying to get into overlanding.
We will probably spend a week or so exploring Mesa Verde and the ancient ruins. Then we'll go back to Durango and make our way up to Silverton where my son will probably rent a Jeep for a few days (he wants to drive!)
Our first drive will be up to Clear Lake where we hope to camp. The next day we'll do the Red Mt mining area, Corkscrew Gulch, Hurricane Pass, and California Gulch on the way to Animas Pass and then The Loop. We will probably camp along the way at least one if not two nights...
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I would recommend doing the Alpine loop in a clock wise direction with the large rig like yours. That way on Mineral Creek (if you run that trail?) you will be going up hill on that shelf road and pretty much have the right of way. Keep a eye out for on coming traffic so you might be able to find a spot to pull over if a big group is already coming down your way might as well wait. It really isn't that bad but there is not much room to pull to the side on that part of the trail. You will have the time of your life. The trails are not that difficult and the views are outstanding! Ouray is my all time favorite mountain town. Wife and I am planning on taking a weekend trip this summer to go down there and camp around Cork Screw and enjoy a couple easy trail and hang out in town.

Anchor Mtn

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With the current weather in SW Colorado I would bet the trails won't be dug out until late June. Get the guide book mentioned above for sure.

You don't need any special "gear" to enjoy this area. Good AT tires and low range will easily cover everything except "The Wall" on Poughkeepsie Gulch, to which there is a bypass anyway. The area is prone to heavy thunderstorms in the summer, so pack a good tent. You can stay in the Ampitheater campground just outside of Ouray. The hotels in Ouray are great as well. There are a few hot spring options in town too.

We are semi-local to the area and are down there a lot in the summer... Once it gets too hot for Moab to be fun.


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Watching this thread as I am planning a trip for my wife and I as well as my dad +1 to take our TJ’s from Ohio to the Ourey/ Telluride/ Silveton area using backroads and a few state highways around the second week of September this year. I’m new to this as well but if you haven’t, check out the iOverlander app for camping, there looks to be quite a few options out there


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I have been wanting to do the Alpine Loop for a couple of years now. Definitely going to do it this summer. I will buy the book mentioned. I'm told that the pouplar areas can be pretty packed with people up there. The book might have some alternate suggestions. Good luck on your trip! I live just east of Dallas btw so I'll be heading up there from Texas as well.



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I hope I can get my rig's up-grades done in time to do some exploring this summer. Returning to the Alpine loop area in July for a weekend is on the top of my list!
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I'm trying to plan a trip out to Ourey/ Telluride/ Silveton area and have never been to CO was just curious on how the weather will be the first of September???
Plan for a bit if everything. Temps range from around freezing at night to mid 60's. Expect the temps to drop 5 degrees for every 1000 feet in elevation gain when camping away from any of the towns mentioned. Both snow and rain are possible at any time. Sept is generally 2nd highest precipitation month after Aug.



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Plan for a bit if everything. Temps range from around freezing at night to mid 60's. Expect the temps to drop 5 degrees for every 1000 feet in elevation gain when camping away from any of the towns mentioned. Both snow and rain are possible at any time. Sept is generally 2nd highest precipitation month after Aug.


Thanks for the info

On another note what is the camping situation in these areas? I realize there are campground scattered throughout my question is can you camp on the trails away from the towns and other people?
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Thanks for the info
On another note what is the camping situation in these areas? I realize there are campground scattered throughout my question is can you camp on the trails away from the towns and other people?
Your welcome. Most of the area is part of the San Juan National Forest so you are permitted to camp anywhere off the trail. That said these are some of the busiest trails in Colorado so don't expect to get much sleep if you are camped in a pullout. (I've encountered folks on an ATV Night ride come buzzing through at 3 am). I also suggest that you reach out to the SJNFS headquarters out of Durango (970) 247-4874 both for info about the area and as you head out in case there are any camping, fire, or other restrictions/bans in place. (There have been for much of the last 5 years.) If you reach out now they can make recommendations and provide suggestions.


Mark D

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We are planning the same trip the first week in August. Thanks for the camping info. My daughter and son in law did this trip a couple years ago (they will be joining us) and they had rain and it was pretty cold. They also found the hotels in the area very expensive ($400/night) and pretty booked up. I will be watching this thread also.
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We are planning the same trip the first week in August. Thanks for the camping info. My daughter and son in law did this trip a couple years ago (they will be joining us) and they had rain and it was pretty cold. They also found the hotels in the area very expensive ($400/night) and pretty booked up. I will be watching this thread also.
I am planning on trying the trip in June for the 1st time. There was a travel book mentioned at the beginning of the thread. Looks like a new version comes out in a few weeks and I will be buying it. Seems to detail some ins and outs like camping areas and such from the reviews of other editions.
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Hey group

I'm trying to plan a trip out to Ourey/ Telluride/ Silveton area and have never been to CO was just curious on how the weather will be the first of September???
We went out last 2 years from Sept 1st-30th. This last trip we had fantastic weather, nice and cool in the mornings, a lot of places we went were deserted. We were the only ones at Hecler Rec. Area Campground at Browns Canyon. Cascade Camp in Caulk Canyon near Buena Vista might have had 2-3 other campers when we did the trails in the 14ers, Tin Cup Pass, didnt see another 4x4 the whole time. Then we went South to the Dunes then went West on 149 to Creede then to Lake City. Stayed at Palisades CG between Creede and LC. which the camp host left the week before so that was free, they took the pump handle off the well so there was no water which was no big deal. Then on to Wusserman CG at Lake City which was nearly deserted, hit the Alpine Loop for 2 days and didnt see another soul, we had the whole place to ourselves. It was fantastic scenery with all the Aspen Trees turning. If you like no crowds and you hit good weather Sept is a great time to go. A couple days were cloudy but zero rain. We were more concerned with the fires which also didnt turn out to be a issue. The year before we did the same but came in from the south at Durango then the San Juan Skyway to Telluride and then Ouray and Silverton and did the Yankee Basin and the Loop from the West side. Same with that trip perfect weather and no crowds.


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We went out last 2 years from Sept 1st-30th. This last trip we had fantastic weather, nice and cool in the mornings, a lot of places we went were deserted. We were the only ones at Hecler Rec. Area Campground at Browns Canyon. Cascade Camp in Caulk Canyon near Buena Vista might have had 2-3 other campers when we did the trails in the 14ers, Tin Cup Pass, didnt see another 4x4 the whole time. Then we went South to the Dunes then went West on 149 to Creede then to Lake City. Stayed at Palisades CG between Creede and LC. which the camp host left the week before so that was free, they took the pump handle off the well so there was no water which was no big deal. Then on to Wusserman CG at Lake City which was nearly deserted, hit the Alpine Loop for 2 days and didnt see another soul, we had the whole place to ourselves. It was fantastic scenery with all the Aspen Trees turning. If you like no crowds and you hit good weather Sept is a great time to go. A couple days were cloudy but zero rain. We were more concerned with the fires which also didnt turn out to be a issue. The year before we did the same but came in from the south at Durango then the San Juan Skyway to Telluride and then Ouray and Silverton and did the Yankee Basin and the Loop from the West side. Same with that trip perfect weather and no crowds.

Awesome! that sounds fantastic! thanks for the info
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