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  1. Vantams

    Flatlanders Go West

    Excellent write-up! I'm digging your XJ for sure, and I know I'm not the only one... but the red hatch plays! I like it!
  2. Vantams

    Red Under the Tires, White in the Distance

    Our yearly trip to Moab concluded over Easter Weekend this year, and I've come to a happy realization about my vehicle. The 2000 Jeep XJ I've owned for a little over a year now, is a very, very good all-around rig. Not only do I drive it darn-near every day to work, but it has proven itself a...
  3. Vantams

    My 2000 Jeep XJ "Adventure Build"

    Here she is down in Moab for EJS 2017, minus the painted fenders and OB Emblem!
  4. Vantams

    My 2000 Jeep XJ "Adventure Build"

    I bought this bad boy back in February 2017, bone stock. The only thing that had been added to the Jeep was a Lulu Lemon and a University of Utah sticker... which are essentially the same sticker! My brother also owns a 2000 XJ that he has lifted and modified for overlanding and offroading...
  5. Vantams

    Member Number? Upgrade Your Account! Read

    Thanks guys! Sent from my 0PJA2 using OB Talk mobile app
  6. Vantams

    Members Instagram ID

    @kory_tams over here, give me a follow!
  7. Vantams

    Member Number? Upgrade Your Account! Read

    OB# 4688, thanks guys!
  8. Vantams

    Pelican Case Idea/ Kitchen Kit / What's your setup

    I just acquired a Pelican 1640 and I wan to do something like this... I'll throw some pics up as it goes...
  9. Vantams


    I'm Kory Tams, and I've bee cruising this site for a minute now, it's one of the best resources of overlanding info on the web! I'm a Design Engineer from Ogden, Utah. I bought me a bone-stock 2000 Jeep Cherokee Sport 4.0L 4 door back in January of 2017. Within that time she's come together...