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  1. Vantams

    My 2000 Jeep XJ "Adventure Build"

    You know, for the time I've owned that Viair compressor, it's never cycled out on me... it's just kept going, so I don't really have a comparison for how good the cooling fans work! But, with the fans, the had of the pump is actually tolerable to the touch, without the fans it damn near scalds me!
  2. Vantams

    My 2000 Jeep XJ "Adventure Build"

    I will put together a more in-depth post about the preparation that went into this year's trip, but for now... here's some pics of the annual trek down to Moab. We opted to beat the EJS rush this year and do our own thing for a change, and I dare say it was for the better! We did Tip Toe...
  3. Vantams

    My 2000 Jeep XJ "Adventure Build"

    Thanks my dude! I appreciate it!
  4. Vantams

    My 2000 Jeep XJ "Adventure Build"

    Fall is the season the XJ earns its keep... getting me too and from hunting camps!
  5. Vantams

    My 2000 Jeep XJ "Adventure Build"

    I freaking hate/love/hate the stock fender flares... damn things won't stay on to save my life!
  6. Vantams

    Rig Photos

    I appreciate this thing more and more each time I get off the pavement... Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  7. Vantams

    Utah Meetups

    Hey team, how did the meet and greet go? Unfortunately I was not able to make it, fortunately I was out in the Uintahs enjoying the North Slope with my brothers! Are there any details for future meetups or trips that can be shared? I look forward to marking off some calendar dates for an OB...
  8. Vantams

    My 2000 Jeep XJ "Adventure Build"

    My brothers and I headed up to the beautiful North Slope of the Uintah Range here in Utah. The rig did awesome, mechanically and cosmetically! Next few projects on it will be cold air intake via snorkel and then a dual battery setup once I can get rid of the stock air box. Sent from my...
  9. Vantams

    Jeep Owners Represent!

    I better add my jeep to this. 2000 XJ, build thread is in the works too!
  10. Vantams

    Utah Meetups

    This is exciting stuff! A good ol' fashioned Utah Rally Point! Myself and some overland friends and family will be up in the Uintah's that weekend, but we might be able to make a rally point in or near Summit County that day.
  11. Vantams

    My 2000 Jeep XJ "Adventure Build"

    Thanks boss! Stay tuned if you like the electrical work haha got some sweet modifications coming in the not too distant future! Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  12. Vantams

    My 2000 Jeep XJ "Adventure Build"

    The rig got a tad more mature looking yesterday with 9" round LED's replacing the light bar... I'm liking the look of it for sure! I also de-stickered the back window... lost abou 285 horsepower unfortunately! Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  13. Vantams

    Rig Photos

    Probably going to scrape stickers off this weekend... feeling the clean window look... and getting some round lights up top instead of the lightbar... Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  14. Vantams

    My 2000 Jeep XJ "Adventure Build"

    I'm kind of getting over the stickered-up back window... anyone agree? Useless horsepower... Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  15. Vantams

    My 2000 Jeep XJ "Adventure Build"

    I'm thinking about doing a hidden winch mount and some recovery points up front... maybe a low profile bumper in the rear... Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  16. Vantams

    Jeep Commander Build

    Every time I see an XK done up right it gets my wheels turning! Nice work! [emoji109][emoji109] Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  17. Vantams

    Utah Meetups

    Let's get this thread going, there's too much cool stuff in Utah to NOT go exploring! Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  18. Vantams

    My 2000 Jeep XJ "Adventure Build"

    I cant be the only one that sits back, staring at their rig, thinking of the trips its accomplished, saying to yourself "what's next?" Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  19. Vantams

    My 2000 Jeep XJ "Adventure Build"

    I run a BAFX Bluetooth OBD2 scanner and an app called Dash Commander on my phone. You type in all your vehicle specs and VIN and it'll read out pretty much everything your computer tells it. It's been a handy little tool!
  20. Vantams

    Project Bluenose: 2000 Jeep Cherokee

    As has been said previously, for the money, both in parts and the actual vehicle itself, the XJ is reeeeeeeal tough to beat! Here's my 2000 in it's natural habitat.