Wil, confirming the meet up location at 0900 hours, on Friday morning is the Safeway store, at 815 Canyon Del Rey Blvd, Del Rey Oaks, California? Thanks!
Great meeting today and even better seeing everyone who could make it! Trevor from Castro Valley, it was a pleasure meeting and speaking albeit briefly. Hope to see you and your wife at the next meeting or on a trip soon! Feel free to hit me up with any questions. Glad to help if I can.
Moments ago I had to cancel due to unforeseen work staffing issues, my spot is open if you’re interested. Hope it can work out despite the 11th hour. All the best!
Sadly and regrettably, due to staffing issues at work beyond my control (despite being my regular day off), Karen and I will not be able to attend this weekend as planned. We look forward to the next one with everyone. All, please travel safe and have a great time…send pics! Roger and Karen
Papa Dave...most awesome idea and build. I need to do something similar but need to incorporate a tilt due to my elevated Decked storage system. I see a conversation in our future :)
Great trip with an awesome group! Really bummed we cannot swing the time off from work...hoping to make it for part of the trip and meet up part way. Well done, looks like this will be a fabulous trip!
I think a wise man I have the pleasure of knowing may have said once: "There is no bad weather...just bad clothing decisions." See you all Saturday afternoon!
Looks awesome! Great job...looking forward to hearing about your install /materials used, which you determined to be best for your build- needs...I have lot's of ideas for mods and would prefer not to use the "trial and error" method. Rather, as you said; do it right the first time. Thanks...
Made a “poor man’s” refrigerator slide out of a piece of HDPE material similar to cutting board plastic. Makes moving the fridge on my Decked system much easier and rests on the tailgate similar to a tilting slide. I had slots cut into the material so the fridge may be tied down like a regular...
Great meeting and seeing everyone. Thanks Dave for setting up the very worthwhile presentation; a sobering reality but better to be informed and prepared as with anything. Much appreciated.
It was my pleasure getting to know you and helping out in a very small way to keep you moving. Your daughter was a peach and not an inconvenience at all. Enjoy and cherish ths time you have with her and your family now...you'll blink and they'll be all grown up and wish you had more time...
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