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  1. Roger 2486

    US West EastBay Crew heads to Anza Borego

    Thanks Armin, I wish we could join you on this adventure but regrettably our work schedules won’t allow us this time around. Another time! Travel safe and enjoy!
  2. Roger 2486

    US West JAN 2024 MEETUP LOCATION CHANGE - East Bay Monthly Meet Up - at TopShopAuto

    Great meetup today. Many thanks Armin for organizing and Frank for your time and tour of your shop! Super informational and appreciated.
  3. Roger 2486

    US West Project #1 Mojave National Preserve Trail Guardian, October 2023

    Thanks Kent. I was looking forward to the project and hearing of your recent Continental Divide trip! Soon again.
  4. Roger 2486

    US West Project #1 Mojave National Preserve Trail Guardian, October 2023

    Regrettably, i will not be able to attend and originally planned due to a conflict. I have canceled by RSVP accordingly. Wishing all a safe and productive trip; wish things had worked out. Next time i guess! Best to all.
  5. Roger 2486

    US West Bend to Alvord Desert

    Sounds like a great trip but I will be attending a work conference and not back in time. Enjoy!
  6. Roger 2486

    US West Radical River Rendezvous

    No trailer for Zach, solo in the Jeep. Probably getting in around 8:00 pm.
  7. Roger 2486

    US West Radical River Rendezvous

    Zach is in coming Friday night most likely.
  8. Roger 2486

    US West Radical River Rendezvous

    Planning on McDonald’s provided Karen gets Friday off from work. Keep you updated! Thanks.
  9. Roger 2486

    October 2023 Mojave National Preserve Trail Guardian

    Same here, at the moment the dates look good to me and I will plan on attending. Has a Rally Point been posted to RSVP too as of yet? I hadn't see one. Thanks!
  10. Roger 2486

    US West 2023 Usal-Redwoods-Klamath

    Sorry to have missed this trip, next time! Looked like a great time!
  11. Roger 2486

    US West 2023 Usal-Redwoods-Klamath

    Ro, Karen and I can't make it after spot was just vacated. Roger
  12. Roger 2486

    US West East Bay Monthly Meet Up - Pleasanton Ridge regional park CA - AUGUST MEET up moved to Aug 20- OLD THREAD

    Many thanks Doc Chris Solis tor you time, presentation and sharing of your expertise with all of us, to ensure the best possible outcome during any unforeseen medical events and / or injuries during our travels. Having had to utilize my trauma supplies for others over the past years and...
  13. Roger 2486

    US West East Bay Monthly Meet Up - Pleasanton Ridge regional park CA - AUGUST MEET up moved to Aug 20- OLD THREAD

    Karen and I are planning on being there. Thanks Mike and Annie for opening / allowing us to use your facility for the meet-up! Looking forward to seeing everyone there.
  14. Roger 2486

    US West East Bay - Anza Borego Trip

    Hello all, sorry for he last minute question for planning purposes; wood for campfires a thought or strictly propane powered fire pits? I thought previously we could have a wood fire provided it was within a self-contained elevated "pop-Up" fire pit.
  15. Roger 2486

    US West East Bay - Anza Borego Trip

    Many thanks Sergio- I just sent you a message; please pull Karen and I OFF the meals for this stuff may prevent us from attending as planned albeit we are still planning on the trip as of this writing. Sorry for any inconvenience and the planning hassles.