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  1. loper


    Welcome. Nice ride!
  2. loper


    Welcome! Looks like you have a lot of covered space with that tent setup!
  3. loper

    Our van build

    Haven't really made much progress over the winter, but we have gone out and played a little. Sort of confirming what we have so far works, and getting ideas for the next steps. Have taken a few pictures, though...
  4. loper

    Nature Photos

    A few from Southern Arizona:
  5. loper

    Beginner gear

    Kind of depends on how long you want to stay out. In my old Ramcharger I took out the back seat, so I could sleep back there. Foam pad and a sleeping bag and I was set. For a weekend, I just took a cooler for drinks and food. Ice would last a couple days. Bought an "action packer" plastic box to...
  6. loper

    Tucson trip

    Definitely going back. We roamed around from Organ Pipe to Mt. Lemmon, and down to Madera Canyon, but mostly East and West Saguaro National Monument. Shot so many pictures.
  7. loper

    Tucson trip

    So we spent a little time in the Tucson area, last week of March. Concentrated mostly on improving my photo skills (my wife is already pretty good, I'm learning...). Anyway, here are a few shots. Lots of crested saguaros, we got lucky finding them.
  8. loper

    Idaho BDR 50" Bridge

    I haven't done it yet, but there is supposed to be a slight detour that goes around the 50" bridge. I know people do it in jeeps, pickups, etc. The pictures I saw show a normal bridge, with big concrete blocks on it to make it narrow. We have some 50" trail restrictions out here, I believe that...
  9. loper

    Where to put the weight? Rear bumper mounts vs Roof Rack

    Weight on the rear bumper will take weight off the front (leverage), and may stick out enough to affect your departure angle. Weight up high, however, might tip you over. An awful lot of people have rear storage on an awful lot of Jeeps and do OK, I think you would be better off with the bumper...
  10. loper

    Our van build

    Just a big square bug net. The bugs were really bad that time. Forgot where I got it.
  11. loper

    Rear Leaf Upgrade

    I'd start by weighing the truck, get a front/rear/gross weight. Now you know where you're starting. Look at the sticker in the door jamb and see what your gross and axle ratings are. Subtract the actual weight from the GVWR/GAWR. That's what you have to work with. Consider the weight of the...
  12. loper

    What does everyone use for water storage?

    I have two of the 5 gallon "water cube" cans under my counter (one supply, one for the sink drain), and another one in the back storage. Gives me 10 gallons, plus we usually bring some bottled water. The pictures show a mock-up while I was building it, and the finished counter.
  13. loper

    Good Morning everyone

    Welcome! Sounds like you have a solid platform to start with, and your list seems sensible. Maybe consider water and gas cans?
  14. loper

    35 vs 33's

    33s will lower your effective gear ratio (more power). 33s are nicer to drive, on pavement. 33s will give you a lower unsprung weight. Lower unsprung weight is A: better for handling, and B: easier on suspension components. 33s cost less (a little). 35s raise the axles (ground clearance). 35s...
  15. loper

    keeping propane bottles warm

    A two stage regulator is supposed to eliminate this issue, but I haven't tried it yet.
  16. loper

    Windshield Pics...

    Birds of Prey area in the Owyhees.
  17. loper

    Our van build

    Made a little trip through Celebration, across the birds of prey area, to Swan Falls dam and out past Black's creek to another part of birds of prey.
  18. loper

    Overland Vans Section

    Might be cool, if there is enough content. I've got mine in the vehicle build thread now.