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  1. Smokey_Bear_JLUR

    New Guy From Northern VA

    Gorgeous 4Runner, man! Welcome!
  2. Smokey_Bear_JLUR

    New OB member from Las Vegas!

    Good looking Yota! Welcome!
  3. Smokey_Bear_JLUR

    New overlander from Colorado Springs area

    Whoa! Amazing pics and a fellow JKU owner to boot! Congrats and welcome! (I'm a newb, too!)
  4. Smokey_Bear_JLUR


    I haven't done that route, but it looks like a good trip to take my girls on this spring. If you do this route, make sure to carve out a couple hours to do the hike at Pickle Springs Conservation Area between St. Gen and Farmington. I was there this past weekend, and it was beautiful. Its a 2...
  5. Smokey_Bear_JLUR


    Hola Moscow Mills! I'm in STL. MVUM's are Motor Vehicle Use Maps. Cheers, Chris
  6. Smokey_Bear_JLUR

    Any decent recomendations for routes near Hot Springs NP? Wanting to take my kiddos there at end...

    Any decent recomendations for routes near Hot Springs NP? Wanting to take my kiddos there at end of month
  7. Smokey_Bear_JLUR

    Legal Weapons and Overlanding

    Always carry, here. Always. One of the few perks of being retired LEO is ability to carry, concealed in all 50 states. While camping, I usually bring a Benelli 12 ga or a Ruger 10/22. Shotgun for random campsite encroaching animals, and 10/22 for plinking. Sometimes I'll bring the AR if I know...
  8. Smokey_Bear_JLUR

    A little friendly competition

    I'm pretty sure I've come in first place in DRINKING margaritas.... :)
  9. Smokey_Bear_JLUR

    Overland Expo Photo Contest Finalist

    What an amazing shot! Don't get me wrong- I LOVE the beautiful vistas of the desert SW as much as anyone, but your shot has movement, unique lighting and great colors. Well done!
  10. Smokey_Bear_JLUR

    Keep your camera batteries warm!

    Great shots! Love your JKU. Is that rhino-lined or dipped? Looks badass!
  11. Smokey_Bear_JLUR

    Hello From England!

    Welcome! I've spent some time in England- beautiful country with some very good people.
  12. Smokey_Bear_JLUR

    Where did you install your OB emblem?

    find a rare earth magnet of the same diameter, maybe? Should work!
  13. Smokey_Bear_JLUR

    Storing eggs

    I'm a fan of hard-boiled eggs, but my girls like them sunny side up and scrambled. I'll have to use the bottle trick on our next trip. Side note- has anyone seen that "As seen on TV" hard-boiled egg thing-a-majigger? You crack eggs into these little cups, then boil the cups until the eg is...
  14. Smokey_Bear_JLUR

    First Responders - Overland Bound Emblem Rocker

    This is a great idea! Sgt. C. Kühn, Ret'd. LEO
  15. Smokey_Bear_JLUR

    What are Your Favorite Overland Recipes?

    One of my kids' favorites is Walking Tacos, or "Walkie Tacos" as my 6 year old calls them. Stupid simple to make: Single serve bag of Fritos + can of chili + shredded cheese. dump it all into the Fritos bag, hand them a spork and let them at it.
  16. Smokey_Bear_JLUR

    Coffee Set Ups

    French press, here, poured into a Yeti double wall tumbler. Coffee is life, no? P.S. if ever in St. Louis- stop off at Khaldi's Coffee and pick up a bag of their Highlander Grog. It's heaven
  17. Smokey_Bear_JLUR

    Endangered trails/areas?

    How about a section devoted to listing endangered trails and/or areas? Hot spots of political action, etc? Or an overall place to discuss political moves to keep our wild places open to all....including those of us in vehicles?
  18. Smokey_Bear_JLUR

    GPS for idiots. Is this a thing?

    Hey all, I am GPS illiterate. No...I am GPS stupid. I own one, a Garmin thing-a-ma-bob, but short of typing in addresses, I have absolutely no idea where to even begin with off-roading GPS. Is there a good link someone can send me on current GPS? I've seen videos where Overlanders have their GPS...
  19. Smokey_Bear_JLUR


    I'm pretty poor, as I recently was downsized from my job, but I have to say- this post singlehandedly has rejuvenated my faith in mankind. With that said, I would like to offer up a free hug to anyone needing it. Hit me up at an event, and it's yours. Free of charge, and I'll even cover...