Chuck wagon eh...whats the main dish?
in various groups I have been in, I have been a camp cook for over 30 years now (boyscout style cooking in the 80s, and cooking for encampments of anywhere from 4 to 50 people since... the choice of menu depends on how much gear I can carry, the environment being camped in, and general preferences of the group :) for right now, I am rebuilding my gear, and since building my truck will be eating most of my budget, I can not build the trailer I have designed so the chuck wagon will consist of several chuck boxes in the bed of the truck so I can slide them out, slip the legs in them, and set up a camp kitchen in a screen tent. in time that will be converted to a utility trailer with significant modifications to be able to serve as portable kitchen.
<edit>oh and a wok has also been a part of my cook kit for 15 years now I think... but I prefer japanese steakhouse style stirfry as opposed to other styles, so I use my lodge griddle for my stirfry more often... I was at a historical recreation event around 10-15 years ago... I was doing up a stirfry of rice, mushrooms, onions, a few vegies, beef cut and marinaded in 3 different marinades, plus shrimp in 2 different marinades... and of course an onion volcano just for a li'l flare since I was not doing the full steakhouse stage show... one of my friends was a teacher, so he brought several of his highschool students to the event... they abandoned the fast food they had gone off site to pick up and lined up with bowls in hand for my stirfry coming back for seconds... I had offered one who did not have the money to spare on a burger a bowl of my stirfry, but I was glad he had let his try a taste so I was actually really glad they came "raiding"... I had gotten a might carried away, and while I was actually cooking for 4 people, when all was said and done I had about 6 pounds of the stuff made up :)