What did I do with my car today ?
I had to jump start it because the damn computers ran my new battery down from sitting to long without driving it. I drove it around for about 20 minutes to recharge the battery. I cant wait to get the final repairs (three amigo issues) and mods (sliders and lighting) finished so I can hit the road for some trial runs, get acquainted with the beasts of the forest again, and get some confidence in my rig and my physical ability
to set up camp alone and without assistance.
I think I finally have a plan for building the interior of my rig for camping and sleeping inside of it. It needs to be really simple (like me) and easy to build. I found a guy on YouTube that has such a build in his Subaru that I think will work in my rig nicely with minor changes. I also found a local craftsman that can do it for me. That's a big win for me in my weakened medical condition. I'll do the interior after I do all my trial runs I hope to do later in the month and in November if the weather will allow.
And finally my Three big plano containers will be here next week and I was lucky to hit a good buy on Amazon prime day. $115 for the three big containers that
@Michael had recommended. Thank you
@Michael for the tip in your video.