Well I finally got the MaxTrax mount for my CBI bedrack and got it “installed” (sort of) I had given up on them getting me the right mount so I have a local fabricator making a MaxTrax mount that I can bolt onto my rack. I am not sure what I am going to do with this MaxTrax mount that I got from CBI yesterday, I may sell it or incorporate in somewhere else to mount another set of MaxTrax . Time will tell.

Then I washed some of the winter salt/sand crud off of my truck

And finally, I got one of the senior body men at the shop I help out at from time to time to help me with my rear headrest delete, they folded down but wasted about 4” of space where stuff would not go completely back against the rear of the cab and I need every inch I can get

this is what the back looked like with the rear head rests folded down

and I got the major portion of the platform completed this afternoon, tomorrow I will add the supports for underneath and I am trying to decide where I want to add a center hinge to access the underneath storage space. One side will be fixed as my fridge/freezer will be mounted there.