What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

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Danville, Indiana
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I put a set of Rigid Industries 4" 360 Series lights on my daughter's Renegade. They are fantastic and throw an amazing amount of light from such a small package. The backlighting is a neat looking bonus feature! She also was jealous of the Trail Rated badges on my Jeeps, so she one-upped me for hers! We also recently put Falken AT/Trail tires on it. They are VERY impressive in the snow! She's planning eventually a 1.5" lift, a couple protective skid plates, and a roof basket. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!


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San Benito County, CA, USA
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Installed Rough Country steering stabilizer kit on the '01 Tahoe.
Not quite a bolt on.....Maybe I am just picky lately....But I feel I got my money's worth out of the kit.
Had a drip on my head the whole time. Found the radiator is shot and leaking. No complaints, 181K on the original. Glad I found it this way.

* Bend bracket correctly
* Bend U bolts so they fit in bracket holes
* Remove skid plates
* Mount and test fit
* Center punch for new hole, drill pilot hole in bracket and crossmember
* Remove everything
* Round all 90 degree edges with angle grinder (recommend! Saves cuts on hands when working on it later!)
* Cut lower bracket to remove extra material no longer needed due to mounting change
* Blacksmith tip of lower bracket so it sits flush with crossmember
* Find acceptable hardware and drill new hole to fit
* Debur all cuts, drills, grinds and paint silver
* Relieve lower control arm mount by 1/16 inch in one spot
* Remove wire harness clips on front of engine pan, replace with tie wraps (for clearance from the top of the u bolts)
* Mount stabilizer and brackets
* Test fit skid plate, adjust one mounting pad blacksmith style
* Find hardware and mount skid plate with one longer bolt and nut (pass through new bracket)
* Make template for upcoming aluminum diamond plate brush guard (to replace plastic POS)
* Make note to order dust boot (oops)
* Lube steering joints
* Verify clearance and operation
* Order new radiator, upper and lower hoses
* Grab a beer- done for the day!

steering stabilizer.jpg


Rank V
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Pathfinder I

Grass Valley, CA, USA
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Installed Rough Country steering stabilizer kit on the '01 Tahoe.
Not quite a bolt on.....Maybe I am just picky lately....But I feel I got my money's worth out of the kit.
Had a drip on my head the whole time. Found the radiator is shot and leaking. No complaints, 181K on the original. Glad I found it this way.

* Bend bracket correctly
* Bend U bolts so they fit in bracket holes
* Remove skid plates
* Mount and test fit
* Center punch for new hole, drill pilot hole in bracket and crossmember
* Remove everything
* Round all 90 degree edges with angle grinder (recommend! Saves cuts on hands when working on it later!)
* Cut lower bracket to remove extra material no longer needed due to mounting change
* Blacksmith tip of lower bracket so it sits flush with crossmember
* Find acceptable hardware and drill new hole to fit
* Debur all cuts, drills, grinds and paint silver
* Relieve lower control arm mount by 1/16 inch in one spot
* Remove wire harness clips on front of engine pan, replace with tie wraps (for clearance from the top of the u bolts)
* Mount stabilizer and brackets
* Test fit skid plate, adjust one mounting pad blacksmith style
* Find hardware and mount skid plate with one longer bolt and nut (pass through new bracket)
* Make template for upcoming aluminum diamond plate brush guard (to replace plastic POS)
* Make note to order dust boot (oops)
* Lube steering joints
* Verify clearance and operation
* Order new radiator, upper and lower hoses
* Grab a beer- done for the day!

View attachment 133596
Definitely not what I'd consider "bolt-on". Nice work!


Rank V

Enthusiast III

Walla walla wa
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Service Branch
I came off the Whipsaw trail up in Canada this Summer and went to hook up my sway bars and one of the Steinheiser (spelling) and one of the links had somehow unscrewed itself. Long drive back to Walla Walla Wa without front sway bars. Went back to the stock end links and fixed my darned Rubicon push button disconnects. ‘Breaks’ every time a little water gets in the mechanism and has to be disassembled and cleaned/re-greased. Anyway, bummer it’s disappeared.

I was clearancing the front fender with the angle grinder when I noticed the passenger side sway bar end link was missing. :openmouth:
View attachment 133600
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Lanlubber In Remembrance

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Mimbres, NM, USA
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covey sr
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Added some fender flares and got the proper length rear shocks for the truck. The nice thing about the flairs is they help cover up all the dents...

View attachment 133871View attachment 133872
Now get yourself a rubber toilet plunger, stick in in soapy water, throw some water on those bed dents, slap that toilet plunger over the dent, push it in and give it a yank in a couple of places. Walla, no more body dents.


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SF bae area
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Now get yourself a rubber toilet plunger, stick in in soapy water, throw some water on those bed dents, slap that toilet plunger over the dent, push it in and give it a yank in a couple of places. Walla, no more body dents.
huh, I'll give that try...seems like it'd work

Lanlubber In Remembrance

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Mimbres, NM, USA
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covey sr
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San Benito County, CA, USA
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The kids camped last night at Hollister Hills, so in the morning we figured they were cold and miserable so we made breakfast burritos and went to harass (surprise) them. The surprise was on us, they broke camp at daylight (yep, cold and miserable!) and headed to town to one of the breakfast joints to warm up and feed. Kids these days... So while we were there we decided to have some fun. The WJ suspension continues to amaze me. Budget boost, extended bumpstops, and front disconnects only real mods right now. Looks like I have a lot of work to do with the sawzall if I ever want to put 32's on!



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Pathfinder I

Grass Valley, CA, USA
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I came off the Whipsaw trail up in Canada this Summer and went to hook up my sway bars and one of the Steinheiser (spelling) and one of the links had somehow unscrewed itself. Long drive back to Walla Walla Wa without front sway bars. Went back to the stock end links and fixed my darned Rubicon push button disconnects. ‘Breaks’ every time a little water gets in the mechanism and has to be disassembled and cleaned/re-greased. Anyway, bummer it’s disappeared.

I was clearancing the front fender with the angle grinder when I noticed the passenger side sway bar end link was missing. :openmouth:
View attachment 133600
Chris (Venture4wd) and Mo (JL Life) seem to have a lot of trouble with the auto disconnect after water crossings. Chris had his replaced and the new OEM unit looked like it had better waterproofing. Skip to time 26:30
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Kansas, USA
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Over this weekend I made a bedside storage “system” for my co2 tank and fire extinguisher. I’m not crazy about how the fire extinguisher location turned out so I’m gonna re-do that.

I did a trial run with the new size storage totes and water jugs in place to see how it’ll all fit and found that I didn’t have room left for my Brute storage tote of recovery gear under the hard tonneau. So, a little redneck ingenuity and I cut it down to size! I didn’t need it water proof and don’t care what it looks like, it works so that’s all I needed!