Traveler III
My wife is an avid gardener. We have vegetable gardens, flower gardens, butterfly gardens, herb gardens, fruits, ornamental trees, etc. As you can imagine, proper tools are a big requirement for easy maintenance of all of these. She has pruners, shears, clippers, etc. And a bow saw. The bow saw was a pain to get into places, it frequently twists, and leaves a ragged edge. She needed something better, so we went on the hunt for the best hand saw we could find for a reasonable price. This is where this thread comes in.
What Camp Saw do you use for cutting fired wood, trimming branches along the trail, cutting ice, or whatever? Not axes, chain saws, hatchets, or survival knives. Just saws.
Show us what you've got!
What Camp Saw do you use for cutting fired wood, trimming branches along the trail, cutting ice, or whatever? Not axes, chain saws, hatchets, or survival knives. Just saws.
Show us what you've got!