Unlimited Self Sustained power!!! 2013 Tacoma High Output Alternator & Bluetti Charger1 install

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Dave in AZ

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Enthusiast III

Arizona, USA
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you may not *need* the solar, but solar power is "free" where the alternator costs money to run
I'm a big solar fan, I read the diysolarforum.com vehicle mounted forum daily, I've got all that goodness on my truck camper...
... but solar is far from free! The panels are expensive, and the glass ones you should use are very heavy. Flexible ones don't seem to last long. They all create airdrag and extra weight I have to cart around on my truck 24/7. Not gonna do the calcs, but I'm pretty sure they waste waaaaaay more gas carting them around 365 days a year, vs the extra gas I burn the few days a year I use my alternator charger! Pretty sure the solar costs more than alternator if we look at the true total picture.

I have 450W solar, and I stopped carrying it in truck. My use case makes them pretty worthless to me. While sun is up producing, 10am to 3pm maybe, I am driving around, and 95% of time that will be in shade in forests. All the overlandlanding folks I know have similar usage patterns. Solar is great for 3 days or more parked in the sun.


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Canyon County, Idaho, United States
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you may not *need* the solar, but solar power is "free" where the alternator costs money to run
I'm a big solar fan, I read the diysolarforum.com vehicle mounted forum daily, I've got all that goodness on my truck camper...
... but solar is far from free! The panels are expensive, and the glass ones you should use are very heavy. Flexible ones don't seem to last long. They all create airdrag and extra weight I have to cart around on my truck 24/7. Not gonna do the calcs, but I'm pretty sure they waste waaaaaay more gas carting them around 365 days a year, vs the extra gas I burn the few days a year I use my alternator charger! Pretty sure the solar costs more than alternator if we look at the true total picture.

I have 450W solar, and I stopped carrying it in truck. My use case makes them pretty worthless to me. While sun is up producing, 10am to 3pm maybe, I am driving around, and 95% of time that will be in shade in forests. All the overlandlanding folks I know have similar usage patterns. Solar is great for 3 days or more parked in the sun.
there are many ways to get qround this "cost", flexible/foldable panels for example. and a single one time cost eventually will pay for itself. where as an alternator will always incure a cost, and never will pay for itself. I have 1.4kw of solar on my rig and the fuel mileage difference is nowhere near enough even while towing to change that. I didnt say dont use the alternator, if you are already driving and using the vehicle its not going to incure much additional cost. The few seconds it takes to put out a foldable panel or having a permanent mounted does not cost anything while sitting still. Yes glas is prefered and fare more efficient. at 120w foldable will do for most.

Dave in AZ

Rank II

Enthusiast III

Arizona, USA
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Very nice!
I have a 21 Tacoma, with a Tune popup topper, so pretty similar to you. I have the Pecron 500W car-charger, and Pecron e1500LFP. As you know, the Tacoma has very low payload, and I can't afford to cart around 60 lbs of panels I dont need or can't make use of, so I leave all my solar at home now. Unless I foresee 3 days sitting still.

The Bluetti charger One is great, I love its app ability to turn on and off and modify amperage draw in the fly.

But the real news here is this 220A alternator!!!! I have several threads at Tacomaworld.com, looking for a larger alternator option for Tacoma, and there is ZERO info there! I have the 130A larger one that comes with OffRoad or Tow Package, but 220A would rock! I will probably link your vids to those alternator threads.

I recently tested my max or worst use case for car amps usage. So at night with bad weather: with highbeams, turn signal, braking to stop, wipers on high, air-conditioning on high, radio. I peak out at 45A usage, with 5 second spikes to 60A on full braking. In those conditions I'd not use alternator charging, or limit it to 20A... which you can do from your phone with the Bluetti.

During day good weather, I max out at 22A really, so can go the full 40A my charger allows then and be safely below 50% alternator load. You won't have that issue!