Travel in Iran

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Ambassador, Europe

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Lampertheim, Germany
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Interesting topic. In my opinion, the decision where to travel must ultimately be made by each individual, weighing up the opportunities and risks. I have often traveled to regions where it is more risky or even where the foreign office has issued warnings or at least travel advice. This also has a lot to do with experience, own status (e.g. passport and profession) your own perception of risk and much more. In addition, we often don't know what actually happened in such situation reported in the web because we simply weren't there on scene and can only judge by what is written down.

For me personally, despite such individual reports, currently nothing speaks against an overland trip to Iran and I would go. But as I said, everyone has to decide for themselves and I also understand when people have reservations because they have a different sense of security, because they have different experiences etc. And then they should just travel somewhere else. There are so many great places in the world that are easy to travel to.

Safe travels!

North American Sojourner

Rank VI

Off-Road Ranger I

Mark Twain National Forest
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My first trip to Italy in the mid 80's was scary. The airport in Rome still had blood on the wall when the terrorist blew up the place. I traveled extensively in Europe through these years and it was nervous. People pushing wheelchairs with folks in it over the side on cruise ships, bar bombings in most Countries and so on. My situational awareness is crazy sharp even today.
I'd be avoiding a Country where the regime is hated by the people. Things are tense there. LOL Same thing with Mexico. I have no idea why anyone would go there for any reason until the drug cartels are gone. I've seen folks cut into pieces while they are living. It's not a good way to spend a Saturday.