Trans American trail

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Hey y’all! A buddy and I want to plan a trip along the Trans American trail from SC to OR. Supposedly it wraps through several states and is about 80% off road but still close enough to civilization to hop off and resupply if needed. Only issue is we can’t find much more on it other than an OLD map that’s very general. Does anyone know where we can find more information on it, or if there’s an app that covers the whole thing?

Neal A. Tew

US Rocky Mountain Local Expert
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Pueblo West, CO
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Hey y’all! A buddy and I want to plan a trip along the Trans American trail from SC to OR. Supposedly it wraps through several states and is about 80% off road but still close enough to civilization to hop off and resupply if needed. Only issue is we can’t find much more on it other than an OLD map that’s very general. Does anyone know where we can find more information on it, or if there’s an app that covers the whole thing?
Aer yall looking for more rigs to travel with?
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Hey y’all! A buddy and I want to plan a trip along the Trans American trail from SC to OR. Supposedly it wraps through several states and is about 80% off road but still close enough to civilization to hop off and resupply if needed. Only issue is we can’t find much more on it other than an OLD map that’s very general. Does anyone know where we can find more information on it, or if there’s an app that covers the whole thing?
Aer yall looking for more rigs to travel with?
The more the merrier mate! Granted we’re starting the planning phase like a year and a half in advance just because preparation is key and we’re considering stopping off a couple of popular destinations just to do em (MOAB and Rim Rocker)
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Neal A. Tew

US Rocky Mountain Local Expert
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Pueblo West, CO
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Hey y’all! A buddy and I want to plan a trip along the Trans American trail from SC to OR. Supposedly it wraps through several states and is about 80% off road but still close enough to civilization to hop off and resupply if needed. Only issue is we can’t find much more on it other than an OLD map that’s very general. Does anyone know where we can find more information on it, or if there’s an app that covers the whole thing?

Be aware that the midwestern states are hundreds of miles of boring dirt roads. Many people get bored out of their minds and bail for the highway.

This is a very long trip to travel with unfamiliar people. Some may want to travel 20 miles an hour while another may want to travel 40. Some may want to stop at many tourist attractions while others stop for none. This can create a lot of tension between acquaintances and it accumulates over days.

I share the above points because I have seen TAT groups fall apart for those very reasons.

If you've never been to the western states, for example, consider just driving straight out and spending all of your time on these amazing trails instead of boring farm roads.

Whatever you decide, I hope you have a great time and if I can be of any help with Colorado and Moab, don't hesitate to ask.
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Winston-Salem, NC
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This is a very long trip to travel with unfamiliar people. Some may want to travel 20 miles an hour while another may want to travel 40. Some may want to stop at many tourist attractions while others stop for none. This can create a lot of tension between acquaintances and it accumulates over days.
That’s exactly right. Even with people I knew well, when we traveled in a big group, there were often a lot of disagreements. Everyone has their own preferences. By the end I swore off traveling with groups