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El Paso, Texas
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Some people live in the real world and others live in the world as it is. Each to their own. My carrying a firearm does not hurt anyone . But not carrying one could cause me or my friends to lose property or life.

Those who are afraid of firearms, should get some education and learn that a firearm is an inanimate object , no more dangerous than an (insert an object here) ____________ unless used maliciously.


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Some people live in the real world and others live in the world as it is. Each to their own. My carrying a firearm does not hurt anyone . But not carrying one could cause me or my friends to lose property or life.

Those who are afraid of firearms, should get some education and learn that a firearm is an inanimate object , no more dangerous than an (insert an object here) ____________ unless used maliciously.
Yea it would be real nice to live in a world where there was no violence and weapons and defense are not needed. But thats not the world we live in.

Jaron Williams

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Sweet view!
I currently maintain my Oregon, Washington and Utah permits which covers me in most places I go.

The rockhounding went well, the area out there is pretty, and I found a nice sized agate.

View attachment 133870

View attachment 133868 View attachment 133869
That is not an unusual experience in my area.
Many gangs, Mexican Mafia and Cartel all over the place. They are all armed with something deadly and looking for trouble where ever they can find it. You cant always avoid them. Staying alert and ready is a way of life for me and as I have grown old I am doubly cautious. Gangs like to prey on the elderly. Rural areas are safer but not without incidents. Many drug deals going on in the boon docks and they have better off road equipment than me.
Sad but something I know to be true.

Lanlubber In Remembrance

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Mimbres, NM, USA
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covey sr
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Ham/GMRS Callsign
Some people live in the real world and others live in the world as it is. Each to their own. My carrying a firearm does not hurt anyone . But not carrying one could cause me or my friends to lose property or life.

Those who are afraid of firearms, should get some education and learn that a firearm is an inanimate object , no more dangerous than an (insert an object here) ____________ unless used maliciously.
I couldn't agree with you more.
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Local Expert Southeast Washington, USA

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Ham/GMRS Callsign
I will say that for an everyday person, in a panic situation, they would probably be better with a can of bear spray. Unless highly trained in a high tension atmosphere, the odds of placing accurate shots is highly unlikely (if they can even pull the trigger. It becomes a careless shootout with the "luckly" one maybe surviving.
If a sketchy person approaches you and closes in on your 7 foot zone you cannot just shoot them. YOU WILL GO TO PRISON FOR MURDER. If you draw on a weird dude that is currently unarmed and hes is allowed to close the gap because you cannot legally fire, it now becomes a wrestling match for your weapon. Not a good situation.
However, if the same person closes that gap after warnings you can hit them with Mace or bear spray and not risk losing your life to a murder charge.

I do carry both options in the wild. In the city I fall back on street smarts (grew up in SouthEast San Diego). I dont put myself in bad places. If i am in the wrong place at the wrong time, there will be only 1 option.


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Service Branch
It is pretty funny for me reading this and comming from a country where no personal fire arms are allowed to see firearms associated with any kind of safety., personal or otherwise.. :) .
yeah, but you are in a decent place where even the neighboring countries are relatively harmless...france wants to love, not fight...germany keeps a low profile now and belgium just wants to make you waffles. who needs a gun there?? :grin:


Rank VI

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Hunt county, TX, USA
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It is pretty funny for me reading this and comming from a country where no personal fire arms are allowed to see firearms associated with any kind of safety., personal or otherwise.. :) .
Firearms were common in germany before 1928 when the weimar republic passed laws to disarm nazi and communist factions in germany(obviously didnt work) then in 1934 the nazis enacted more gun control aimed at jewish residents. And now as part of the eu yall have to bow to the whims of nato.


Rank IV

Pathfinder I

El Paso, Texas
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yeah, but you are in a decent place where even the neighboring countries are relatively harmless...france wants to love, not fight...germany keeps a low profile now and belgium just wants to make you waffles. who needs a gun there?? :grin:
Firearms were common in germany before 1928 when the weimar republic passed laws to disarm nazi and communist factions in germany(obviously didnt work) then in 1934 the nazis enacted more gun control aimed at jewish residents. And now as part of the eu yall have to bow to the whims of nato.

It took Americans with firearms to liberate the inhabitants of Europe.


Rank V
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It took Americans with firearms to liberate the inhabitants of Europe.
Nope, it took the US army, wich is something different. And it took tanks, and navies and above else a lot of Air Power..

So lets not put and equal sign between US Army and some guys in truck with some revolvers.....

Lanlubber In Remembrance

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Mimbres, NM, USA
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covey sr
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Ham/GMRS Callsign
I will say that for an everyday person, in a panic situation, they would probably be better with a can of bear spray. Unless highly trained in a high tension atmosphere, the odds of placing accurate shots is highly unlikely (if they can even pull the trigger. It becomes a careless shootout with the "luckly" one maybe surviving.
If a sketchy person approaches you and closes in on your 7 foot zone you cannot just shoot them. YOU WILL GO TO PRISON FOR MURDER. If you draw on a weird dude that is currently unarmed and hes is allowed to close the gap because you cannot legally fire, it now becomes a wrestling match for your weapon. Not a good situation.
However, if the same person closes that gap after warnings you can hit them with Mace or bear spray and not risk losing your life to a murder charge.

I do carry both options in the wild. In the city I fall back on street smarts (grew up in SouthEast San Diego). I dont put myself in bad places. If i am in the wrong place at the wrong time, there will be only 1 option.
You have a point that carriers need to weigh in their decision to carry or not. Responsibility is up to those who see things differently. Avoidance is always the best route but it's not always available. Which is better, 10 years in jail or 6 feet of dirt over your body ?


Rank IV

Pathfinder I

El Paso, Texas
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Nope, it took the US army, wich is something different. And it took tanks, and navies and above else a lot of Air Power..

So lets not put and equal sign between US Army and some guys in truck with some revolvers.....

The US Army = Americans with firearms . Of course Air and Navel power helped but it was the solider who took the fight to the enemy and ultimately resulted in your freedom.

It is not a good to compare a country smaller than Rhode Island with a tiny homogeneous population with the U.S.

Using the guys in trucks with some revolvers analogy, it was just guys with personal firearms who fought against a world power for freedom from tyranny . It was just guys with personal firearms who freed Texas from the tyranny of Mexico.

The history of the United States is very rich and very unique .

Lanlubber In Remembrance

Rank V
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Mimbres, NM, USA
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covey sr
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Ham/GMRS Callsign
Nope, it took the US army, wich is something different. And it took tanks, and navies and above else a lot of Air Power..

So lets not put and equal sign between US Army and some guys in truck with some revolvers.....
In the end it was an invasion by ground forces to end it all. Equipment can only do so much, after that it is the foot soldier who conquors the enemy.

Lanlubber In Remembrance

Rank V
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Mimbres, NM, USA
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covey sr
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Ham/GMRS Callsign
The US Army = Americans with firearms . Of course Air and Navel power helped but it was the solider who took the fight to the enemy and ultimately resulted in your freedom.

It is not a good to compare a country smaller than Rhode Island with a tiny homogeneous population with the U.S.

Using the guys in trucks with some revolvers analogy, it was just guys with personal firearms who fought against a world power for freedom from tyranny . It was just guys with personal firearms who freed Texas from the tyranny of Mexico.

The history of the United States is very rich and very unique .
"You cant fix stupid" Michael ! Those who are not prepared are slaves to those who are determined to harm them.

Nathan Z

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I always travel with my carry gun and usually a secondary (either a takedown rifle or a larger revolver). I personally will not travel to a place that doesn't honor the Constitution but that's just my personal choice. I'm not bashing anyone who personally chooses not to have a firearm (I do have a problem if you want to take away that choice for others). If you don't think you could take a human life or don't think you could act effectively in a high stress situation, those are good reasons not to be armed. If you want to travel and be in places where you can't legally be armed, well that's your choice, you might decide it's worth the relatively small risk of being unarmed if something happens in exchange for traveling to a place you really want to go. If you just don't want the responsibility, legal hassle and extra security risk (leaving it in a vehicle where it could be stolen for example) of having a firearm around, or maybe you just travel light and don't have much to lose then I'm not going to say you're dumb for making that choice. I can respect all of those positions. However there seems to be an ignorant faction in the overlanding community that thinks it's some kind of macho thing to be unarmed and that it's cowardly to carry a gun ECT. They propagate a number of myths. The first one being, that if someone has a gun, then that's the first and only way they deal with anything. That somehow someone being armed only escalates a situation even if the person you're dealing with doesn't know you're armed. The fact is that a person carrying a gun can do everything an unarmed person can, they can talk there way out of something, they can run away, they can avoid a bad situation ECT. I guarantee that most of us in the US have crossed paths with armed people many times and had no idea. The second one is that "people skills" or "street smarts" are better than being armed. Of course if someone is trying to steal something petty or something you may be able to talk them down or give them what they want. But what if that they want is to rape you, murder you, kill your loved ones or steal your vehicle and leave you stranded in the wilderness. Many murderers/rapists/kidnappers don't make sense, you can't talk them down. Not far from where I live a group of kids were hanging out in a state park at night (yes it was closed, they shouldn't have been there) and three brothers came up and murdered them, no one really knows why. The third and most ignorant myth of all, that I see surprisingly often, is something to the effect of "I don't need a gun, I got big balls" or "I fight like a man" or "it takes bigger balls to not carry a gun". This is so beyond stupid, it's like saying "I don't wear a seatbelt in a car or a helmet on a motorcycle because I'm a man" ... ok I hope that makes you feel better if you die. I personally have only had one sketchy experience, it was while sleeping along side a hwy on a long leg of a trip. During the night I hear a car slow down, turn around and pull up behind us. We are laying down in the back of the Jeep with the doors locked, our bags are sitting in the front seats and a cooler, gas can and spare tire are sitting alongside the rig. I stay laying down pretending to be asleep to see what happens as the cars headlights are shining in and I can't see who's in the other vehicle. My pistol is right next to the sleeping mat by my head. A scrawny guy covered with horrible tattoos and no shirt on jumps out and starts looking around the Jeep, pretty obviously impaired in some way. I sit up with my hand near the gun and yell "hey" out the window, I think he about had a heart attack. He said a bunch of nonsense and mentioned being out of gas (his vehicle was obviously still running) I offered him the gas can and he took it and left. I wasn't interested in escalating the situation over a gas can but had he intended to steal the vehicle or something I would have been in a position to stop him.