Advocate III
That explains why I haven’t had bears in my campA loud fussy wife is great trail security. A big bear came into camp one time and was coming at me when the wife popped open the camper door and started fussing that I forgot her coffee creamer. The bear stood up and put its paws over it's ears and took off into the woods...
Enthusiast III
Enthusiast III
No problems taking firearms across the border into Canada? I've never done it so no idea what it entails. A 12 gauge with rifled slugs should be good enough for short range, I would think.Not sure I will be able to make the trip to Canada (Tuk) this year with the pandemic and border closures, but if I do, my plan has always been to to take a shotgun, since we will be doing mostly boondocking in pretty isolated locations.
Enthusiast III
Should be pretty straight forward as long as I have the appropriate forms filled out, and the H&K Pardner I got at a pawnshop for 120.00 meets the allowed standards-which It does. I’ll be taking Bessie (TT ) as well. A few rounds of 00, some slugs, and my fav in bear country, Brenneke Black Magic Magnum Rounds.No problems taking firearms across the border into Canada? I've never done it so no idea what it entails. A 12 gauge with rifled slugs should be good enough for short range, I would think.
Advocate I
Enthusiast III
Enthusiast III
Believe me I know from it.I live in California where they don't allow you to properly protect yourself so I always carryhope and a prayer.
Member III
He needs to pattern his shotgun cause they don't work that wayAt one time I knew someone who loaded his Mossberg 500a so that the first shot out was #4 buckshot, and the second was a deer slug, then 4 buck, then deer. Last one was a crap shoot. He wanted to make sure that if he had to use it at home and in darker conditions after suddenly being awoken by noise downstairs, that everyone in the room got peppered and he had thier attention before moving on to the slug, if necessary.
Enthusiast III
more like pointed in the general directionHe needs to pattern his shotgun cause they don't work that wayEven with a 18.5 inch barrel with a cylinder bore (no choke) you aren't going to "pepper everyone in the room" even with birdshot unless you can take a 50 or 100 yard shot down inside your house. Contrary to popular belief shotguns need to be aimed
Member III
Enthusiast III
My wife & I have been CDL holders for years & were NRA firearms instructors in the past. We also have backgrounds in martial arts training. (We always have some form of weapon close by..)I am wondering, what percentage of us carry weapons out on the trail for security reasons? Has anyone experienced or heard of any negative incidents happening? I assume for the most part Overlanding individuals, the conservation minded, scenic route takers that we are. Are wonderful people!
Enthusiast I
Off-Road Ranger I
Pioneer II
Wouldn't you know...mine's on "Back Order"!
You defended yourself after you were attacked. England was begging you to enter the war for 2 years. When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour Churchill actually smiled knowing the USA was now in it to the end.the last time we were an isolationist country, we had to shirk that isolationism to defend Europe and Asia from Totalitarian governments
I live in the Kootenays, home of BC Bud and the best marijuana in the world. My work takes me into pretty remote spots. Every year I drive up the wrong road and am greeted by a vigilant grower. Often with a rifle. I know the worst thing I could do is to show a firearm. In the few minutes it takes to get directions I often have a new customer. I have never felt showing a gun does anything but escalate human to human confrontations. Guns are for hunting, putting food on the table.The drug trade in BC