Contributor I
Too bad they don't ship to Canada from Amazon or the Speedmasters site.... not sure if they will be on sale elsewhere
Contributor I
Member III
Maxtrax are certainly at the top end of polymer traction aid performance, and pricing. However, I never doubted their the capability. I am just saying, everyone does not need top-of-the-line performance with every piece of their gear. For the rest of us mortals with limited budgets, it is silly not want to compare relative value.Maxtrax are NOT the most expensive traction mat/ladder. They are just the most proven, utilized by global travelers, militaries, desert racers and weekend warriors. Buy once-cry once applies to what I consider best of breed and proven over and over in real-world tests, not a function of price, you're confusing the two. I've watched budget knock-offs fail, I've watched/used Maxtrax perform, in sand, snow, mud and swamps. Beyond the proven performance, I still think it is hack to support knock-off products that fail to innovate beyond reverse engineering and a subsequently lower price.
Contributor I
Second this!I've been going back and forth about buying these for over a month now! Can someone please post a picture of how well they stack together in the review?
Influencer I
Influencer II
Pathfinder I
Influencer I
Influencer I