I don't think they are expensive, I think they are valuable. Plastic isn't a single variable, there are thousands of types and manufacturing processes. Part of the Maxtrax process involves curing the fresh units for 24 hours In a special process, that comes at a cost. R&D comes at a cost and I'm always willing to reward innovation rather than imitation. Lastly I look at the long-term, if/when a Maxtrax fails I know they will be around to profvide that warranty support. We've already seen other traction device companies come and go. Having relied on Maxtrax to get us in/out of some very precarious situations... it's not a place I'm willing to compromise or hope.I completely agree but I'm also not in the mindset of buying something just because it's expensive. If there is a lower cost alternative to something that is just as good then I think it's worth a look. Look at Yeti vs all the copy cat ones out there now as a prime example. Maxtrax has cornered the market but let's be honest it's a molded piece of plastic we drive on. It's only a matter of time before an alternative lower priced option comes out that is damn close to it. I'm hoping these are it, lol.
Smitty versions were breaking in curb/gutters: