What do you mean by controller placement? Are you talking about if you have the controller itself in the direct sunlight? Or are you talking about where it is in the wiring like how close to the panels it is?
How close the controller is to the panels or battery. It gets down to loss. The higher the voltage, the less loss (voltage loss). The converter changes the voltage from 18 (ish) to 12. Putting the controller close to the battery means the voltage in the wire is higher (less loss in the wiring). Closer to the panel, lower voltage in wire, more loss.
I was given several controllers to play with. I actually worked a deal, I bought 5 controllers and was allowed to return 4. The company sales guy suggested it when I asked why the price difference. He had recommended one way cheaper than I wanted. One week later, I understood.
What I discovered was the power output varied slightly depending on who made it. What was common across the board was the controller location in relation to the panel and battery. It didn't matter what controller i used, if i mounted it at the panel I lost approx 2 amps. There are a bunch of companies who mount the controller at the panel to simplify things. After testing, I wont mount one near the panel. I'm only running one and I need all the power I can get.
PWM vs MPPT. MPPT is more efficient. PWM has more loss. With one panel (120 watt) the difference was .5 amp. When I was looking at controllers, the MPPT was a couple hundred dollars and the PWM im using was 70. For .5 difference, I went with PWM. One of my friends was given several MPPT controllers to play with and the one I compared was the best of the group (less loss).
All my testing was done 3 odd years ago. Prices change and hopefully technology does too.