US West Sierra Foothills Overlanders Monthly OLB meet-up/meeting.

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Kent R

OB Executive Director
Staff member
Mod Team

Pathfinder III

El Dorado, Ca
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Ham/GMRS Callsign
Service Branch
Retired Firefighter
Sierra Foothills Overlanders
Monthly Overland Bound Meet-Up
Bring your own chair

Date - February 18,2025
Location - M&J Automotive .
6200 Enterprise Dr Suite G, Diamond Springs, CA 95619
GPS - 38.695889533662104, -120.82764324929921
3 Word Nav - indoor.gladiators.slurs
Time, 1900 hrs -2030 hrs (most members get there around 1830 hrs)
Special thanks to Mike and Joe of M&J Automotive for your hospitality.

Get to know members and the rigs they drive.

  • Past trips/runs
  • Training/presentation ideas
  • Adopted trail maintenance.

Camp cooking, discuss different options and setups. Set date for a group cooking meetup.

We need people to set some dates and locations for trips. One day and longer would be great.

Bring ideas and dates for next year.

NEXT MEETING: March 18, 2025 Deb Lee will be talking about first aid kits.
(most members get there early to set up)
Topic & location TBD

Kent R

OB Executive Director
Staff member
Mod Team

Pathfinder III

El Dorado, Ca
First Name
Last Name
Member #


Ham/GMRS Callsign
Service Branch
Retired Firefighter
There is a possibility that there will not be any water at M&J tonight.

Kent R

OB Executive Director
Staff member
Mod Team

Pathfinder III

El Dorado, Ca
First Name
Last Name
Member #


Ham/GMRS Callsign
Service Branch
Retired Firefighter
A point of clarification for being notified about our meetings;
SFO meets on the third Tuesday of each month, notifications are officially on the Overland Bound Forum/calendar. We do post notifications on the SFO Facebook and Instagram pages also. The email list does not always work well due to the number of addresses on it, we will be starting over with the email list in the near future.

February Meetup review
Great turnout! Special thanks to M&J Automotive for the use of their facility once again.

Upcoming trips were talked about, we tossed some ideas around about an Overland Bound/Sierra Foothills Labor Day Campout. More to come on this, but currently we are thinking somewhere in the Mendocino NF. The main issue is crowds on Labor Day weekend. If you have any ideas please get in touch with Kent ASAP.
Ed Hard has a trip planned with a Rally Point for a trip in early April to AZ, NV, & UT. I think he has one opening but you would need to check the Rally Point to find out. US West - *Trip Limit Reached (6 Rigs Max)* Gold Butte-Grand Parashant/Grand Canyon Rim-Nevada-Arizona-Utah
Ed also has some other trips planned for this year, keep an eye on the Rally Points for more info. Ed can be reached on the Overland Bound Forum @Edward Hard
Got a review of a cross country trip from Doug Bailey @tandtoverland, I think Key West FL is my type of place ;-)

Main topic of the evening was cooking and what type of equipment everyone uses. Mike from M&J helped with the discussion about electric cooktops. This one boils down to “you need lots of amp hours”. If anyone needs help with setting up their electrical system, give Mike at M&J a call. He is awesome. IG @m_j_automotive
Next meeting Aaron Copland will bring a new product his company is selling, the Bush cooker system has been used in Australia for years and now Aaron has brought it to the US. Bush Cooker™ — Thunderbox Outback Toilet
We are looking to have a weekend cookout, try different ideas and check out kitchen set ups. Date and location DBD.

Adopted trail Long Canyon in the El Dorado NF was talked about. Since it is unknown what type of help the forest service will have this year, the plan is to get it cleaned up and do what we can to fix the bad culvert area. Dave Dingal will set up a work weekend with a possible campout. More than likely this will be early June.

The March meeting will have a first aid talk with Deb Lee from @IronHorseOverland, Deb is a retired Firefighter/Paramedic with Sac City Fire & Combat Medic. Debs talks are always to the point with lots of great usable information.

After the meeting Jim F. showed off his new lights, I have no comment :sunglasses:

It was really great to see everyone


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Kent R

OB Executive Director
Staff member
Mod Team

Pathfinder III

El Dorado, Ca
First Name
Last Name
Member #


Ham/GMRS Callsign
Service Branch
Retired Firefighter
Sierra Foothills Overlanders
Monthly Overland Bound Meet-Up
Bring your own chair

Date - March 18,2025
Location - M&J Automotive .
6200 Enterprise Dr Suite G, Diamond Springs, CA 95619
GPS - 38.695889533662104, -120.82764324929921
3 Word Nav - indoor.gladiators.slurs
Time, 1900 hrs -2030 hrs (most members get there around 1830 hrs)
Special thanks to Mike and Joe of M&J Automotive for your hospitality.

Mike and Deb Lee will be organizing the meeting.
Member introductions with rig descriptions.

  • Past trips/runs
  • Training/presentation ideas
  • Adopted trail maintenance.

First Aid kits. Deb Lee is a retired Firefighter/Paramedic and Combat Medic. Deb and her husband Mike are full time overlanders, they have traveled most of the Americas catch them on social as “Ironhorse Overland”

We need people to set some dates and locations for trips. One day and longer would be great.

Bring ideas and dates for next year.

(most members get there early to set up)
Topic TBD
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