US West San Gabriel Valley (SGV) Coffee and Rigs Meet Up

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Big Blue

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Sorry, guys. I have a weakened immune system. My hall pass is denied for this month. Be safe out there. I look forward to seeing you all again soon.
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Local trail meetup? I feel like we'd be better off meeting away from other people and just making our own coffee haha


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I've called Chili's and Corner Bakery, both are still offering pick up options – to @MMc 's point, pick up and camp out in parking lot (perhaps).

To @Toywolf 's point, that's an option – meet up on some dirt trail, possibly set up a camp fire with a portable. Not sure where that would be at?

I won't be able to join tomorrow evening (I seem to have caught *something*) but will see if I can send a blast out to attendees on this from the last event to bring attention to this chat thread. It's a bit difficult to gauge interest on this since the attendee list is carried over from the first event that was hosted.


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Per @MMc , and due to COVID-19 – I'm going to go ahead and say this is officially cancelled at Glendora – unfortunately. I'll see if I can update the status on the Rally Point although since it is a repeating event it may be difficult. If anyone wants to meet with @Toywolf and coordinate in private for meeting up on a local trail, you might give that a try.


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Repeated text sent to previous attendees: Per @MMc , and due to COVID-19 – I'm going to go ahead and say this is officially cancelled at Glendora – unfortunately. I'll see if I can update the status on the Rally Point although since it is a repeating event it may be difficult. If anyone wants to meet with @Toywolf and coordinate in private for meeting up on a local trail, you might give that a try.
If there are any specific vehicular-based adventure topics that you all would like to know more about, let me know and I could see if I can find a subject matter expert to do an interview style Q&A with a video chat system like
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Big Blue

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Be safe and stay healthy, everyone. If you go out on a solo trip, please share a trip report and pics.
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@smritte, I would never suggest cleghorn haha. I do agree with the others though, it is probably best for now that we not congregate for the time being. I am a bit concerned about expo west. I was very much looking forward to it and I know as of now they have every intention to keep it going but that could change at any time. That following with the same concern if it is not postponed or canceled, I am concerned about the countermeasures that they will be taking to help prevent any further outbreak.
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Hope ya'll are doing well – likely planning your next trip, perhaps?

Any interest in doing a Zoom call this Thursday evening? Say, 6:30pm-7:30pm?

Myself and Big Blue are interested (although I didn't confirm the times with him or his 3 young boys).

If you haven't done it before, you can download the Zoom app on Android/iOS and I'll share a link here and we can all connect in.

A few ideas/questions:

1. We can share overlanding/camping tips/gear (if you were really organized you could put photos together in a folder and we could screenshare). Sunset is 7:30pm so you could also walk with your phone outside and talk about stuff on your rig (I think there will be enough light)

2. What do you want to learn? If you share what your interests are these days I can see about finding someone to join us. (Or said differently, what questions are you asking about overlanding these days?)

3. Do you have any special knowledge you would be willing to share?

4. Or we could share favorite trips and what we like about different areas.


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I'm thinking we'll do a Zoom another day pending lockdown. I realize meeting behind a computer screen is less than ideal. I may need to re-create this event, it seems there's an issue with comments which makes this comment thread a bit difficult to find. (It's not showing from the main page anymore). Godspeed to all.


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Hey all, hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy. I'd be lying if I said I haven't been embarking on short adventures here and there despite covid. My form of social distancing. Even when others attend we all keep our distance and have a good time. Just keeping tabs on everyone. Anyone doing anything exciting? In or out of the house?
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I may do a Mojave trip soon. I was working up until today. My school is trying online but a very small percentage of the students are attending. Their running a skeleton crew and the rest of us are off until the state opens back up.
At this point in the game, most people know how to prevent the spread of the virus (hopefully). When everything comes out of lock down I believe everyone is going to flood the outdoor areas. I want to go out before it's real crowded.

Big Blue

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Good to hear from you guys! I haven’t gone anywhere except for some local bike rides with the family. However, I did finally upgrade my shocks to the Fox 2.0. Toywolf talked me out of the spacer lift. Thanks for setting me straight. Haha. I’m loving the Fox shocks so far. Scott, have fun on the Mojave Rd.


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I may do a Mojave trip soon. I was working up until today. My school is trying online but a very small percentage of the students are attending. Their running a skeleton crew and the rest of us are off until the state opens back up.
At this point in the game, most people know how to prevent the spread of the virus (hopefully). When everything comes out of lock down I believe everyone is going to flood the outdoor areas. I want to go out before it's real crowded.
A Mojave trip sounds great. Were you thinking to run the whole Mojave Road? Just for local fun, I've been going into the deeper yellow post sights of Lytle Creek to camp, I know that's practically your back yard so it wouldn't surprise me if you were sick of it haha. I'd personally choose LC over Cleghorn anyday for several reasons. If anyone wants to do a quick over-nighter trip there or somewhere else, feel free to throw in some suggestions if you're not chained to the confines of your home.


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Wow. Good guess on LC and I feel the same about Cleghorn. Whole Mojave Road is an idea. If it wasn't for the fact that one end is pretty far, you can drive it in a weekend. That is as long as you don't explore. I normally spend the night at the AVI Casino then head out. I don't really want to do that until this whole thing is over. That place is great for people watching.

I was up there last winter. We went in at Baker and bypassed Soda Lake. You NEVER want to drive on that unless it's completely dry. The mud is so caustic, it will eat through thinner paint and rust everything. It is fun to slip/drive on though. You get stuck and your probably spending the season there until it dries.

Whats your time frame? If you wanted to do the road with exploring, its a few hours to the far end. Come in there, drive for a couple of hours and camp somewhere. During normal times, the river entrance has a bunch of ATV's and Side by Sides camped there. Can be noisy. That's why I would recommend going in a bit.

One of the first canyons had a wash out a few years back. The bypass had a mining area next to it I would like to explore.
About half way there is a "secret" group camp that's nice. Its about half a mile off the side. At the 2/3 mark, if you haven't explored the New York Mountains, there's some great higher elevation sites to camp. These are nice if the trip is hot.

Depending on time frame, 2.5 day's +. 3 with small exploring. 2 long days just running through. I personally like taking my time but I'm good either way.