Rude Overland Vehicle Etiquette

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Belle Plaine, Kansas, 67013
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Ha! I vividly remember a cab ride from LaGuardia into Manhattan 20+ years ago. That's when I learned what big city driving was all about! Then I noticed that all the cabs had dents and push bars on the front. A foot gap? No problem. Just stick it in there!
Dude... several years back I got stuck in NYC when our flight was delayed and didn't make it in time for the connecting flight. Fortunately the person the wife and I were traveling with knew someone who lived in the city we could stay with. At 2am it was decided to have pizza. Our traveling companion and I hopped in a cab and took off. I was told to stay with the cab so he wouldn't take off and leave them. Evidently the pizza place was in an area that isn't safe at night.
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the Vulture
When I saw this thread, I thought we'd be talking about where it's OK or not OK to set up camp, respect of private property, BLM, managing waste disposal, etc... not passing on the highway.


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When I saw this thread, I thought we'd be talking about where it's OK or not OK to set up camp, respect of private property, BLM, managing waste disposal, etc... not passing on the highway.
its all good. hopefully threads like this one will have us all doing a little self reflecting and doing better ourselves...

i know after reading this, next time i go to walmart and im being tailgated, im not going to brake hard :grinning:
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WRPN 506
One more very short story on this subject. We live about 5 miles from a major 4 lane highway. It is a network of two lane country roads to get home. I'm in our unit, trailer in tow, doing the speed limit or 5 mph over depending on the twisty winding roads. Some guys in a car come up fast and tailgate, weave, high-beam me, etc etc. I just ignore that kind of behavior as I keep full tort insurance. After a couple of miles, about 2 miles from home, we come to a T and 3 way stop signs. I stop and let a car through on my right, then proceed making my left hand turn. These guys come flying around me, through the intersection. Give me a full on brake check, then take off while yelling and giving me the violent, shaking, finger. Then- unbelievably make a left hand turn into their driveway. I know it's their driveway because since then I've driven by a couple times a week. This was a couple years ago, but the Round-up water balloons are at the ready! Stupid is as stupid does, said a wise man very long ago.
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WRPN 506
I stopped reading at “Already going 75 in the left lane…”

it is YOU that should have moved to right lane and allowed faster traffic to pass. PERIOD! Enforcement of speed limit on highway is not your job, if some one is speeding enforcement is a cops job. However, if you are in left lane and do not move right for YOU are the one breaking the law. At least in FL you are.
The OP wasn’t clear, however, if I’m in the left l lane, no matter the speed, if I am progressively passing, I’m staying there, until I have passed however many vehicles I am progressively passing. That is the law in like 32 states.
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lot to unpack here, but what i get out of this post is that you are already speeding and breaking the law for starters; and according to California Vehicle Code (CVC 21654(a)), you aren't supposed to travel in the left lane if its impeding traffic. ( a lot of states its not legal to travel in the left lane unless you are passing slower vehicles that are in the right lane and then you get back in the right lane after passing). you said that you "ignored" him, which you clearly didnt. you saw he was tailgating you and being problematic and yet you chose to stay right there in the left lane in front of him because you felt justified and annoyed, just like the driver behind you was feeling. then, while speeding, you are fiddling with your phone and taking pictures.

you are right...there are dangerous drivers out there!
When I was young and stupid I was young and stupid. I might have goaded the trucker.

Today? Just get out of the way. You will pass their wreck further on up the road.


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They dont call us MassHoles for nothing.

I'd rather drive in Manhattan than downtown Boston any day of the week
I thought they only lived out in Athol. But you are correct- metro Boston is a big gridlock with tons of Massholes LOL btw- I hated going anywhere on the 1-95 corridor- including Boston.


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WRPN 506
I stopped reading at “Already going 75 in the left lane…”

it is YOU that should have moved to right lane and allowed faster traffic to pass. PERIOD! Enforcement of speed limit on highway is not your job, if some one is speeding enforcement is a cops job. However, if you are in left lane and do not move right for YOU are the one breaking the law. At least in FL you are.
so- according to your logic, if I am traveling 10-15-20 mph over the posted speed limit in the left lane, progressively passing slower traffic in the right lane, and you come roaring up behind me, and tail gate me with relentless abandon, I should slow down abruptly so I can dive into the slower lane? I’m not doing that, I’m not changing a thing and neither should anyone else. One moves over when one is done passing slower traffic and when it is safe to do so and not before. So, when did you stop reading this before making an extraordinarily uninformed comment? I hope you’re not one of those fools that slow down to change lanes. If you are, then you are to blame for the whiplash traffic patterns out in the left lane that occur on all metro freeways & interstates. If you are one of those that tailgate because you think the driver in front of you is regulating traffic, shame shame shame. Everybody knows your name. Safety tip? Never ever travel more than 10mph faster than the lanes next to you. Good day, sorry to ramble, but hey, this driver trainer/safety expert just couldn’t keep quiet.


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WRPN 506
i like this thread because it reflects on life as a whole, where people are really nothing more than constant obstacles that impede our forward progression. this truth can be realized when related to driving as well as dealing with people in the work force and, for the most part, any circumstances where other people are present...

this where speed and stealth come into play...

speed is necessary to develop momentum. when we have momentum, we are harder to stop. when an object of smaller mass encounters an object of greater mass, the smaller mass can overcome the larger mass simply by increasing it's velocity (speed). this works well when direct interaction is expected.

by adding the element of stealth, we are able to overcome obstacles because they do not realize our presence until it is too late and they are not able to recognize our intentions in time to react to stop us. flashing lights at a vehicle in front of you will immediately alert them to your presence and aggravation. this in turn gives them the opportunity to launch countermeasures, such as brake checking or slowing down to let you pass and then quickly speeding up again to trap you in the slow lane. this is why we do not use turn signals in south alerts the car behind us in the other lane that we want over and by signaling, we trigger the "speed up and block them" response. NEVER LET PEOPLE KNOW YOUR INTENTIONS

with speed and stealth, we can shadow quietly behind a slower obstacle and when the time is right, we can quickly slingshot around the obstacle and leave it far behind us before the obstacle even realizes what happened and can react to stop us...

this works exceptionally well when driving and dealing with a slow driver camped in the fast lane or even in the work place, where the resident brown-noser is poised for a promotion only to be usurped by the stealth coworker that quietly finished up a giant project for the boss and came in on time and under budget before said brown-noser was able to realize what was happening and sabotage the coworker and protect his expected promotion.

so...when dealing with people, be THIS guy...

View attachment 247899
you are obviously retired! LOL good story!
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6.4 Wagon

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Middletown, Ohio, United States
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I stopped reading at “Already going 75 in the left lane…”

it is YOU that should have moved to right lane and allowed faster traffic to pass. PERIOD! Enforcement of speed limit on highway is not your job, if some one is speeding enforcement is a cops job. However, if you are in left lane and do not move right for YOU are the one breaking the law. At least in FL you are.
so- according to your logic, if I am traveling 10-15-20 mph over the posted speed limit in the left lane, progressively passing slower traffic in the right lane, and you come roaring up behind me, and tail gate me with relentless abandon, I should slow down abruptly so I can dive into the slower lane? I’m not doing that, I’m not changing a thing and neither should anyone else. One moves over when one is done passing slower traffic and when it is safe to do so and not before. So, when did you stop reading this before making an extraordinarily uninformed comment? I hope you’re not one of those fools that slow down to change lanes. If you are, then you are to blame for the whiplash traffic patterns out in the left lane that occur on all metro freeways & interstates. If you are one of those that tailgate because you think the driver in front of you is regulating traffic, shame shame shame. Everybody knows your name. Safety tip? Never ever travel more than 10mph faster than the lanes next to you. Good day, sorry to ramble, but hey, this driver trainer/safety expert just couldn’t keep quiet.
I use Autobahn / Motorsports rules. Slower car moves right, period. If everyone followed that logic our roads would all be better places for all involved.

Enforcement is not anyone’s job except police. So if a guy wants to go 100+ move right let them pass.
I agree not a hard thing to do! Well said! One of the worst things about my commute to work in morning. Most and I mean most people want to be in the left lane for no reason at all. You would think it was the younger generation but nope it’s all ages. I’m not saying I’m the best driver out there but I will not hold someone up if I’m in the left lane and I’m able to get over. Gotta love it when they ride side by side with the right lane car.
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Prosper, TX, USA
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1. Not all lifted 4x4s are overlanders or even 4x4 enthusiasts. Most are likely not.
2. My rule is if I'm in the left lane and not passing or waiting for the person in front of me to move over (who is going slower), I move to the right lane(s) so that faster traffic can move around me. Even if I am passing and someone comes up at a higher rate of speed, I move over to let them through as soon as I get a reasonable chance to do so safely. They could be a d-bag, or they could be rushing to the hospital or some other emergency. Who knows. I'm certainly not going to turn myself into the d-bag by trying to prove a point and ride the left lane because "I'm already going over the speed limit" or some self-righteous BS like that. It is a state law in PA that the left lane on interstate highways is for passing only. I'm sure most states have a similar law.

Hammer Time

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so- according to your logic, if I am traveling 10-15-20 mph over the posted speed limit in the left lane, progressively passing slower traffic in the right lane, and you come roaring up behind me, and tail gate me with relentless abandon, I should slow down abruptly so I can dive into the slower lane?

Somehow I missed the part of the OP's message where he demanded/suggested that you "abruptly slow down." Can you please point that out to us?

Actually, NO ONE has said anything of the kind and so, your message is nothing but a red herring. One can slow down to match the speed of the slower traffic, merge into the right lane, allow the faster driver to pass, and then reenter the fast lane while speeding back up.

I’m not doing that, I’m not changing a thing and neither should anyone else. One moves over when one is done passing slower traffic and when it is safe to do so and not before.

So you're going to allow a dangerous situation, someone tailgating you, to continue to exist as you happily plow along, blocking him? I agree that as long as one is passing slower traffic, they should continue to do so, but at the first opportunity they should move over and allow the faster traffic to pass. That's the law in most states for a reason. It's to prevent the dangerous situation that exists, from continuing, as soon as it's safe to do so.

I hope you’re not one of those fools that slow down to change lanes.

On should alter speed to accommodate the traffic that is in the lane you're changing to. That might be speeding up, or slowing down. Either way, it usually can be done safely while making the transition.


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WRPN 506
Somehow I missed the part of the OP's message where he demanded/suggested that you "abruptly slow down." Can you please point that out to us?

Actually, NO ONE has said anything of the kind and so, your message is nothing but a red herring. One can slow down to match the speed of the slower traffic, merge into the right lane, allow the faster driver to pass, and then reenter the fast lane while speeding back up.

So you're going to allow a dangerous situation, someone tailgating you, to continue to exist as you happily plow along, blocking him? I agree that as long as one is passing slower traffic, they should continue to do so, but at the first opportunity they should move over and allow the faster traffic to pass. That's the law in most states for a reason. It's to prevent the dangerous situation that exists, from continuing, as soon as it's safe to do so.

On should alter speed to accommodate the traffic that is in the lane you're changing to. That might be speeding up, or slowing down. Either way, it usually can be done safely while making the transition.
Read exactly what my responses were to the gentleman that was attacking the original poster- and you’ll find that we agree. When being tailgated, one continues without changing a thing until a safe transition can be made into another lane. That would be after passing, which should be done anyway. Left lane is for passing. I don’t know how to be any clearer, unless you’d like to go for a drive with me, as I recite all the bullet points and details of the Smith System of safe driving. Saftey is no accident- 3.2 million mile club, LA/Orange county for 5 years northeast corridor for 25 years, 15 years driver trainer and a crap load of overland miles in my personal vehicle. Zero accidents..
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Silver Rover

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Montgomery, Texas, United States
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Somehow I missed the part of the OP's message where he demanded/suggested that you "abruptly slow down." Can you please point that out to us?

Actually, NO ONE has said anything of the kind and so, your message is nothing but a red herring. One can slow down to match the speed of the slower traffic, merge into the right lane, allow the faster driver to pass, and then reenter the fast lane while speeding back up.

So you're going to allow a dangerous situation, someone tailgating you, to continue to exist as you happily plow along, blocking him? I agree that as long as one is passing slower traffic, they should continue to do so, but at the first opportunity they should move over and allow the faster traffic to pass. That's the law in most states for a reason. It's to prevent the dangerous situation that exists, from continuing, as soon as it's safe to do so.

On should alter speed to accommodate the traffic that is in the lane you're changing to. That might be speeding up, or slowing down. Either way, it usually can be done safely while making the transition.
Read exactly what my responses were to the gentleman that was attacking the original poster- and you’ll find that we agree. When being tailgated, one continues without changing a thing until a safe transition can be made into another lane. That would be after passing, which should be done anyway. Left lane is for passing. I don’t know how to be any clearer, unless you’d like to go for a drive with me, as I recite all the bullet points and details of the Smith System of safe driving. Saftey is no accident- 3.2 million mile club, LA/Orange county for 5 years northeast corridor for 25 years, 15 years driver trainer and a crap load of overland miles in my personal vehicle. Zero accidents..
Congratulations on an excellent safety record. It is no done easily nor with constant vigilance and control.

Silver Rover

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Montgomery, Texas, United States
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Somehow I missed the part of the OP's message where he demanded/suggested that you "abruptly slow down." Can you please point that out to us?

Actually, NO ONE has said anything of the kind and so, your message is nothing but a red herring. One can slow down to match the speed of the slower traffic, merge into the right lane, allow the faster driver to pass, and then reenter the fast lane while speeding back up.

So you're going to allow a dangerous situation, someone tailgating you, to continue to exist as you happily plow along, blocking him? I agree that as long as one is passing slower traffic, they should continue to do so, but at the first opportunity they should move over and allow the faster traffic to pass. That's the law in most states for a reason. It's to prevent the dangerous situation that exists, from continuing, as soon as it's safe to do so.

On should alter speed to accommodate the traffic that is in the lane you're changing to. That might be speeding up, or slowing down. Either way, it usually can be done safely while making the transition.
Read exactly what my responses were to the gentleman that was attacking the original poster- and you’ll find that we agree. When being tailgated, one continues without changing a thing until a safe transition can be made into another lane. That would be after passing, which should be done anyway. Left lane is for passing. I don’t know how to be any clearer, unless you’d like to go for a drive with me, as I recite all the bullet points and details of the Smith System of safe driving. Saftey is no accident- 3.2 million mile club, LA/Orange county for 5 years northeast corridor for 25 years, 15 years driver trainer and a crap load of overland miles in my personal vehicle. Zero accidents..
Congratulations on an excellent safety record. It is no done easily nor with constant vigilance and control.