Rude Overland Vehicle Etiquette

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Hammer Time

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Los Angeles
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Read exactly what my responses were to the gentleman that was attacking the original poster- and you’ll find that we agree.

I did "read exactly what [your] responses were …" In fact, I quoted some of it back to you. NOWHERE did ANYONE say that you should make your lane change "abruptly." as you implied that MiamiC70 did. I was calling you out on your deliberate distortion of his statement.

I agree that we agree elsewhere.

I don’t know how to be any clearer, unless you’d like to go for a drive with me, as I recite all the bullet points and details of the Smith System of safe driving.

I'll pass on the "drive", thanks. Although it is enticing. lol

3.2 million mile club, LA/Orange county for 5 years northeast corridor for 25 years, 15 years driver trainer and a crap load of overland miles in my personal vehicle. Zero accidents..

Quite impressive. But irrelevant. Unless, that is, you want to use the "appeal to authority" logical fallacy. You don't want to do that, do you?
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Rank V
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Off-Road Ranger I

Wherever we park it will be home !!
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WRPN 506
Fair enough, the dude said I stopped reading at “ I was doing 75” then went on to berate the op. I called him out- he’s no expert at traffic flow, patterns, nor safety. My record and work history? I never talked about it until I retired. Now? Once in a while I mention, if for no other reason than to clarify myself. Hey, if a guy posted something up about how to build a trailer from scratch, and people started saying half wit things and argueing, then it’s nice to know the guy has 30 years of experience in structural engineering and/or structural welding. I’d consider him an expert, ask good questions, keep my mouth shut, and learn something. Peace out!


Rank V

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I thought they only lived out in Athol. But you are correct- metro Boston is a big gridlock with tons of Massholes LOL btw- I hated going anywhere on the 1-95 corridor- including Boston.
Boston's just a bunch of old cow paths widened out to be called streets. Parts of NYC as well, but Manhattan...nice grid pattern. Miss your turn, take the next one that's not one way. Just get in the rythm


Rank IV

Enthusiast III

Bay Area, CA
A couple of times in my life, I've seen a car in the 'fast lane' cruising along with a stack of cars behind them and I witnessed a highway patrol car pull only the lead car over. (I'm not saying the OP was doing this). I don't know what they were pulled over but I imagine it was for not yielding to faster traffic. Anyway, it put a smile on my face. That's all.


Rank V

Traveler III

Bakersfield, CA, USA
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Honestly, I waste zero energy on idiots like that. I typically cruise about 60 mph as I'm pulling a trailer, and smell the roses along the way. If I'm on a two lane road, I make liberal use of the turnouts to let faster vehicles around. My goal is to be a safe, responsible driver, regardless of what others are doing, and preserve my rig in the best condition I can. I do enjoy Karmic justice when the idiot is on the side of the road with a friendly highway patrol giving him a ticket that is likely to set him back hundreds of dollars.


Rank V
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Pathfinder I

Prosper, TX, USA
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A couple of times in my life, I've seen a car in the 'fast lane' cruising along with a stack of cars behind them and I witnessed a highway patrol car pull only the lead car over. (I'm not saying the OP was doing this). I don't know what they were pulled over but I imagine it was for not yielding to faster traffic. Anyway, it put a smile on my face. That's all.
I've seen this once in my life and it was better than watching my favorite team win the Stanley Cup.