Traveler I
Hey guys, Im looking for some advice on rooftop tents.
I will be moving into my Jeep Wrangler full time in August and need to cover my sleeping situation. I really need something that you can easily and quickly fold up and down so a hard shell tent is what I was looking at. Do you have a tent or have one on your build list that you really like?? My top four qualities are:
1) Must be fast, just in case I need to roll out of there quickly and "get out of dodge" so to speak (my top priority)
2) Good visibility with 360 degree windows
3) Pretty durable for heavy use
4) decently aerodynamic for lots of travel
** Bonus points if it is fast to set up/take down and doesn't take up the entire top of the jeep (for other storage)
Thank you so freakin much, I'm new to all of this and jumping in deep right away to the overlanding scene. I could use all the wisdom I can get.
.... and the Ursa Minor full top is way out of my budget range... I know sad day.
I will be moving into my Jeep Wrangler full time in August and need to cover my sleeping situation. I really need something that you can easily and quickly fold up and down so a hard shell tent is what I was looking at. Do you have a tent or have one on your build list that you really like?? My top four qualities are:
1) Must be fast, just in case I need to roll out of there quickly and "get out of dodge" so to speak (my top priority)
2) Good visibility with 360 degree windows
3) Pretty durable for heavy use
4) decently aerodynamic for lots of travel
** Bonus points if it is fast to set up/take down and doesn't take up the entire top of the jeep (for other storage)
Thank you so freakin much, I'm new to all of this and jumping in deep right away to the overlanding scene. I could use all the wisdom I can get.
.... and the Ursa Minor full top is way out of my budget range... I know sad day.