Rank II

Enthusiast III
it shows up on the calendar for 2/5/'22. So i'm curiousI think this was last year
... is this a recurring meetup.
Enthusiast III
it shows up on the calendar for 2/5/'22. So i'm curiousI think this was last year
... is this a recurring meetup.
Member III
Oh nice.. I think i might try to make it there.it shows up on the calendar for 2/5/'22. So i'm curious
Enthusiast III
Unless we get some confirmation, it may just be you and me, provided i don't have a conflict.Oh nice.. I think i might try to make it there.
Member III
Haha..Unless we get some confirmation, it may just be you and me, provided i don't have a conflict.
Enthusiast III
Member III
Enthusiast III
Enthusiast III
Contributor III
Member III
See you on the 4th!Looking forward to attending my first meetup. See you there.
Enthusiast III
Member III
See you there.I should be able to stop by tomorrow and check it out. Not sure Kelly can make it.
Traveler III
Member III
Hey OC meetup from San Diego...
Just wanted to verify meetup is still alive for Saturday.. and also share. that San Diego has a thing too. might not be able to do both but might check you guys out on one of the Sat coming up.... do you go wheeling during/after meet-up?
Traveler III
Yes, this Saturday we’re meeting up in Lake Forest.
Member III
This link seems to work? RFD – OC MEETUPWas thinking I would stop by the Meet-Up on Dec 3rd (if it is still happening). Wanted to know where it is being held. The link FrankRoams posted above is giving me a 404-Error.
Ok... Didn't know if that was the new new location or the original location since we used to meet next door to this Ridge Route spot a few years back.This link seems to work? RFD – OC MEETUP
Haha! No sir. Not this time. I just tested that link but can’t confirm it is updated/correct.Ok... Didn't know if that was the new new location or the original location since we used to meet next door to this Ridge Route spot a few years back.This link seems to work? RFD – OC MEETUP
Don't suppose YOU are coming down.Would love to meet the OB-OG in person sometime!!