The Yaemu FT-400XDR is an excellent choice. Most of the people I run around with have that radio. I however do not at this exact moment in time, and I probably will not, have the 400. But here is why... I got my tech license earlier this year. On a shoe string budget I bought a Yaesu FT-2900 (it’s the predecessor to the FT-2980R) to handle my 2m voice, thinking it would move into the shack when I got the FT-400XDR. Then I got involved with ARES and needed a mobile digital radio, so I bought an Icom 7100 So I could cover the whole UHF/VHF bands and al the HF bands when I upgrade my license. After playing around with both radios, and the MobileLinked TNC3, I quickly realized I was limiting myself by using a dedicated Mobile rig for data since I’m not just using APRS, but I also need email capabilities as well as JS8 and now looks like VARA as well. So a DMR capable HT with built in GPS is next on my radar for mobile data operations. Since I need to be able to do both APRS and send SATReps at the same time in my vehicle, on foot, and in my shack, using my IC-7100 for voice and a dedicated true dual band HT makes sense for me.
Now why the 400 is an excellent choice. Why do you need to worry about getting into the TNC when it pairs to your device? Just like the Kenwood, you can get a connector to plug the radio into a laptop to really dig into packet radio. But for APRS out of the box all that is needed is the radio its self. If you want to see an actual map, APRSdroid, or are great with a BT connection to your device. If you want even better navigation, the 400 can also pair with some dedicated navigation systems. And lastly, in the not so distant future, there will be an app or two that will support real back country navigation and have APRS overlays (Not GAIA).