Advocate III
@Road what is the brand on that chuck box? That is the first one I've seen that really hits everything I want. Awesome setup dude!
.I think the Beaver Tree kitchen boxes are out of production. Hope I'm wrong...
Mine is the Beaver Tree Camp Kitchen, originally made by the Newman Lee Co in Fall Tree, WI.
These are so handy it's rare to see them for sale used, though I got mine for $50, I think it was, with a vintage Coleman two-burner inside. They used to go new for $199 at Dom's Outfitters (no longer in biz).
They are no longer made by Newman Lee, though another company evidently bought the molds or design rights and is making them under the name the Chuck Box Camp Kitchen, though for $329.00 and are currently out of stock.
The new company kitchen boxes have a slightly different look as far as the plastic used and I have to wonder if they're using the same materials.
I love my Beaver Tree and use it constantly when adventuring, whether just van or van and trailer.

