Plow Disc Cooking

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Silverdale, WA, USA
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Big Kahuna burner ($75) is what I use with my SouthWest Disc 18" Madrid. The burner can do very low heat all the way up to 34000 BTU blast furnace. Also, the Madrid Disc is heavier/thicker gauge steel and distributes heat more evenly. Last, but not least, I can just set the disc off and use griddle plates, WOK, large boiler pot etc. with the Kahuna Burner-- talk about flexible.
I've got to get me a Santa Fe disc from that guy. Luckily I can just drive to his house to get it!

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I built mine from an old plow disk and scrap steel. I happened to already have the Coleman burner and had to buy the box tubing for the legs and the thumb screws for holding the legs and for adjusting the burner. It cost me less than $20 and works great. It was a quick, cheap and easy project that I’ve cooked many meals on. It’s a pretty awkward thing to haul around and store so I built a wood box with a hinged lid and rope handles so I can store the disk, burner and a couple bottles etc. it’s a lot easier to deal with in the truck now, and I can stack stuff on top of it. I made a similar box for my 14” Dutch oven for the same reasons and it makes packing the truck much nicer.

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Rank 0

Traveler I

I built mine from an old plow disk and scrap steel. I happened to already have the Coleman burner and had to buy the box tubing for the legs and the thumb screws for holding the legs and for adjusting the burner. It cost me less than $20 and works great. It was a quick, cheap and easy project that I’ve cooked many meals on. It’s a pretty awkward thing to haul around and store so I built a wood box with a hinged lid and rope handles so I can store the disk, burner and a couple bottles etc. it’s a lot easier to deal with in the truck now, and I can stack stuff on top of it. I made a similar box for my 14” Dutch oven for the same reasons and it makes packing the truck much nicer.

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How did you cover up the hole where the disk is mounted?


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Midland, Texas, United States
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Great information everyone. I also dont want to break the bank but would like to try my hand at cooking on a scottle (cowboy cooker, discadia, etc.). Plus, I just like the feeling of making something you get to use. Thanks for all the input.


Rank V

Enthusiast III

Flint Hills
I usually find a nice flat rock. Make a decent size fire. (And pay attention here) . . . .put the rock in the fire. But careful not to put it in a spot you can't reach. Works just like a pizza stone. And that is how you pack for overlanding in a CJ.5 . . lol.
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Rank V

Enthusiast III

Flint Hills
You know. Now that I think about it. A plow disk wouldn't take up much room and I could just throw that in the fire. But then I would have to bring my own spices. . .

Rock spice makes everything nice.


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Traveler I

Portage, MI
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I love cooking on the discada! It makes easy work when cooking for a lot of people. I have a 24" disc, Laguna I believe. It works great. I was using a cast iron skillet prior to the disc plus whatever else I could find to cook what didn't fit. Now it all goes in the disc, breakfast, lunch, dinner.. easy peasy!


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Kingsburg, CA
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There are some big dollar names out there producing these kits. I don't begrudge them in any way, it's just their product doesn't meet my needs or what I'm willing to budget. I have found multiple sources for the plow wok and I have a Coleman single burner stove. I'm thinking some kind of support to set the disk on over the burner on top of the propane bottle on a table. I would like it to fold so as to minimize packing problems. Any ideas ?
Are you using the Southwest disk? I saw that Rio Grande and a 10% coupon. I may pull the trigger on that. What are your thoughts on your disk?


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Traveler I

Portage, MI
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Here is what we use. Laguna discada works pretty good. I also bought a lid from Southwest Disk. They didn't have the 24 incher when I was looking to purchase. The lid works really well, and am sure the disks from there are just as good. I can't comment on their burners. The Laguna burner works great and the disk has served us well. We use the 24" disk since we cook for 12 when camping with my family. We also cook for just our family of 5 as well, even at the house. Kids love what we do with it. We do a mean breakfast on it too but I don't have any pictures of those meals for some reason.

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Kingsburg, CA
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I decided to purchase the southwest disk. I decided this because they offer a larger disk. I have a party of 6, so the larger the better. I'll do a review once I get it in.


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Lexington NC.
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We just made a 18 inch cooker. I picked up a disk at the local farm equipment dealer for $19.00 and a Coleman burner from Amazon used leftover conduit and some scrap steel. We used it the first time this weekend and we think we are going to like it alot. Setup and cleanup is fast and easy.


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Traveler I

Portage, MI
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I kept trying to find a plow disk but was unsuccessful in my area. I like the idea of switching to an 18" disk down the road when my kids escape the asylum. I will have to start packing lighter then too since I won't have as much forced labor to aid packing up and out. It will just be my wife then and we will see how far ordering her around gets me.. :grin:
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Rank IV

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Taos, NM
My wife does the cooking. We have several dutch ovens and cast iron pans. Also, a large non-stick griddle. She's cooked on a wok at home and is a fairly brilliant camp chef. We have a large one burner Camp Chef grill that would work fine for a wok type plate. Although this type of cooker certainly has some utility with a burner, I think the original intent was to cook over coals, and use the plate to 1) distribute the heat evenly, and 2) keep the food from falling into the fire. Cast iron ovens and frying pans do the same thing. Looks like it would be fun to use an inexpensive skottle/disc on an open fire. Years ago we went camping in PA, forgot the grill, and my wife cooked over a fire all week for us and the kids. If you know what you're doing, most of the stuff we all buy is convenient, but not really necessary. That time without the grill, I don't think we had many matches either and kept the fire going all week. Memories.


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Advocate I

Charlotte, NC
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We just made a 18 inch cooker. I picked up a disk at the local farm equipment dealer for $19.00 and a Coleman burner from Amazon used leftover conduit and some scrap steel. We used it the first time this weekend and we think we are going to like it alot. Setup and cleanup is fast and easy.
Funny, I may have just picked up the same disc from the same farming supply store. Any pics of how yours came out. I'm putting mine together now.
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Enthusiast III

Lexington NC.
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I looked and this is the only picture I can find. I took the conduit and welded half inch nuts to the ends and half inch bolts to the disk. Easy on and off and easy adjusting. Used some angle and taped quarter inch thumb screws for the burner. Plug the hole in the disk and season with some bacon and your all set. Hope this helps.
