I've thought of it and have drawn up multiple plans, but to date I haven't come up with a design I like. The main problems are minimizing weight and figuring out how it would work with a table (or as a table). I have a folding aluminum kitchen table that is 15+ years and old works really well. With the tub setup I can keep all the table space available and quickly grab what I need out of the tub.With your wood working skills I would think you would make a Chuck Box. Just one sample, Not affiliated;
:) I have a drawer in the truck for storage, and I've designed and built a full integrated kitchen drawer setup in the past. A kitchen drawer doesn't work in my personal case for three main reasons:Drawers people. Drawers!
1) I use the 4Runner for other things and don't want to always have the kitchen taking up space and adding weight.
2) I often sleep in the truck and don't want cooking smells getting in there.
3) I don't always camp directly next to the truck, and like to be able to carry my kitchen a distance away. This is especially important when staying in "real" campgrounds or in areas where you are only allowed to park 1 car length off the trail.