Enthusiast III
Enthusiast III
Member III
This tops them all. I hope it is being cared for so that it will last another 100 years or so. It dosent look like anyone cares. Sooooo sad to see such a jewel go to waste.
Member III
To me a building is like a human. They are born with loving care, nurtured by years of warmth by the families who live within and and as they grow old or out of fashion they are ignored by the young in favor of the new and exciting fanfare. They die a slow and horrifying death from lack of care or love for the beauty and warmth they once had. They get old, wrinkled, and dilapidated to the point of collapsing under their own weight.I have put on local events that are geared towards visiting old homesteads and schools, old bridges and cemeteries so I have quite a few other pictures that may be of interest.
Feel free to check out the event page for more pics.
Day of Dirt Adventure
Member III
Triple double dittos :-)Awesome photos you guys!
Brilliant...To me a building is like a human. They are born with loving care, nurtured by years of warmth by the families who live within and and as they grow old or out of fashion they are ignored by the young in favor of the new and exciting fanfare. They die a slow and horrifying death from lack of care or love for the beauty and warmth they once had.
Enthusiast III
Enthusiast III
Enthusiast III
That old school is really old-school.
Enthusiast III
Contributor III
Traveler III
Enthusiast III
Traveler III
Advocate III
Enthusiast I
I wander if she was related to Michael Martin Murphy.......?Here are a few of the Mary Murphy Mine near St. Elmo, CO
Advocate III